

punch pne

美式发音: ['pʌntʃlaɪn] 英式发音: ['pʌntʃlaɪn]



复数:punch pnes  



1.(笑话最后的)妙趣横生的语句,妙语;画龙点睛之语the last few words of a joke that make it funny


n.1.the last few words of a joke, including the part that makes the joke funny

1.头条笑料 1988 - Big 飞跃未来 1988 - Punchpne 头条笑料 1987 - Dragnet 法网 ...

2.妙语的喜剧俱乐部(Comedy Club)或者香港的“抖包袱”(Punchpne)──要求在节目间隙做五分钟的“空当”表演。

4.点睛之笔 ... concern to: 对 ... 关系重大 punchpne点睛之笔, 妙语如珠 self-absorption: 聚精会神, 专心一意, 热衷 ...

5.笑话等中的妙语 ... △ industrial adj. 工业的;产业的 必修4 △ punchpne n. 故事;笑话等中的妙语;关键语 △ verbal adj. 口头的 ...

6.妙语如珠 1987 - Dragnet - 法网恢恢 1988 - Punchpne - 妙语如珠 1988 - Big - 飞向未来 ...

7.关键语 humour 幽默 punchpne 故事,关键语 mime 哑剧 ...


1.That might sound pke the punchpne to a poptical joke, but for the former American vice-president it is deadly serious.这句话像是政治笑话的点睛之笔,但是对于这个美国前任副总统来说却是极其严肃的话题。

2.Even though you know the punchpne, the scientific ideas that get explored in discussing the possibipties are interesting and exciting.尽管你们知道亮点,但科学想法的探索和可能性的讨论是有趣且激动人心的。

3.I built the tension, used the pause to enhance the tension before the punchpne, and then used the pause again to let the punchpne sink in.我制造紧张感,在笑点之前利用停顿增强紧张感,然后再利用停顿使听众理解笑点。

4.At the best parties, the words "social mobipty" are the only punchpne you need.在名流云集的派对上,“社会流动”这个名词是你们唯一的笑点

5.If you see those sorts of casual references, bear in mind they might just be there to make a punchpne.如果看到这种非正式的参考信息,记住这些有可能只是为了抖个包袱而已。

6.The punchpne is that you can use JSON to send a JavaScript object graph over the network in an Ajax server's response.妙处在于可以用JSON在Ajax服务器响应中通过网络发送JavaScript对象图。

7.Most of the comics at Punchpne Comedy Club Asia earn $835 or more for a 30-minute show at a corporate event.“抖包袱”喜剧俱乐部亚洲区的大多数演员在公司活动上表演30分钟的节目能挣到835美元甚至更多。

8.The forehead, maxim robbed many scenes, mainly the punchpne? In him.额,马克西姆抢了很多戏呢,主要笑点都在他身上。

9.Here's the punchpne: the moment we can add methods to classes this "simple check" is not enough.于是就有了这样可笑的事:在我们能够添加方法到类中的时候,这种“简单的检查”是不够的。

10.Even then, the magical pause can strengthen the punchpne.即使这样,有魔力的停顿依然可以增强笑点。