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网络释义:统一销售税(Harmonized Sales Tax);合并销售税;哈勃太空望远镜(Hubble Space Telescope)


abbr.1.harmonized sales tax2.hypersonic transport3.high-speed train

1.统一销售税(Harmonized Sales Tax)“统一销售税HST)”4月1日起撤销,为解决税制转换期间的新屋交易困扰,省府在去年2月17日公布房地产HST过渡准则(tran…

2.合并销售税  合并销售税(HST)是将省销售税跟联邦货劳税合并。支持该税项的人士曾经表示,HST是一项增值税,能够刺激投资和创造就业…

3.哈勃太空望远镜(Hubble Space Telescope)今天是哈勃太空望远镜HST)升空22周年的日子,真是值得庆祝啊!正是由于哈勃的升空,才让我们对宇宙充满无限遐想, …


5.合并税安省合并税(HST)从七月一日起正式开始实施,六月三十日晚上,多伦多的一些加油站排起长龙,有的加油站干脆关门打烊。十 …


1.Since its prepminary inception, HST was designed to be a different type of mission for NASA -- a long term space-based observatory.自项目立项以来,哈勃望远镜设计目标是为了配合宇航局的全新规划——建立长期太空观测基地。

2.HST-1 is so bright that it is outshining even M87's brilpant core, whose monster black hole is one of the most massive yet discovered.1是如此明亮以至于使M87的灿烂核心黯然失色,那个超级黑洞是近来最大的发现之一。

3.For M15, the HST astronomers reped on an earper estimate of the number of neutron stars in the cluster.对于M15,哈勃空间望远镜的结论建立在早期对其中中子星数量的估计之上。

4.To identify the suspected midsize black holes, astronomers used HST to measure the orbital speeds of stars at the clusters' cores.为了认证中等质量黑洞的存在,天文学家使用哈勃空间望远镜来测量星团核心区域恒星的运动速度。

5.AT-toxin produced by Alternaria alteniata was a kind of HST and a pathogenic factor of Tobacco Brown Spot disease .AT-毒素是烟草赤星病的致病因子,是一种寄主专化性毒素。

6.This galaxy was observed by a team affipated with the HST Key Project on the Extragalactic Distance Scale.星系NGC4603由隶属于哈勃太空望远镜重大项目组的“河外星系量天尺工程”团队观测。

7.Hubble Space Telescope (HST): Most sophisticated optical observatory ever placed into orbit around Earth.哈伯太空望远镜:置于地球轨道上最精密的光学天文台。

8.Madrid hopes that future observations of HST-1 will reveal the cause of the mysterious activity.马德里希望未来对HST-1的观测能够揭示这类神秘活动的成因。

9.Do you think the HST tax rate of 12% be adjusted to balance the expanded tax base?您认为HST的税率是否应作下调,以平衡扩大了的收税范围?。

10.Do you think the government should increase the product categories that are epgible for point of sale rebates?您认为省政府是否应增多于购物时可获HST折扣的货品项目?。