


美式发音: [ˈfetər] 英式发音: [ˈfetə(r)]




第三人称单数:fetters  现在分词:fettering  过去式:fettered  同义词





1.~ sb束缚;限制,抑制(某人的自由)to restrict sb's freedom to do what they want

2.~ sb给(囚犯)上脚镣to put chains around a prisoner's feet


1.[usupl]束缚;桎梏;羁绊something that stops sb from doing what they want

They were at last freed from the fetters of ignorance.他们终于从愚昧无知的束缚中解脱出来。

2.[pl]脚镣chains that are put around a prisoner's feet



v.1.to pmit someones freedom to do what they want2.to put chains on a prisoners feet

1.束缚 festival 节日(的),表演会期(的) fetter 脚镣; 束缚 feud 长期不和;争吵 ...

2.脚镣 fetch 拿;取 fetter 脚镣 feud 世仇 ...

3.羁绊 Decade 十年 Fetter 羁绊 Gentle 温柔 ...

4.加脚镣 )brave 勇敢面对 )fetter 束缚, 加脚镣 ) confession 忏悔 ...

5.带脚镣 ... fester v. 溃烂, 化脓 fetter vt. 带脚镣;束缚 fiasco n. 惨败, 大失败 ...

6.桎梏 7. edifice n. 大建筑物,大厦 8. fetter n. 桎梏,(常用复)脚镣 9. chariot n. 轻便四轮马车,(诗)漂亮的车 ...

7.枷锁 谎言: pe 枷锁fetter;shackle; 无奈- Resignation,helpless ...

8.费特经济学家费特Fetter)郝特林(Hotelpng)和张伯伦(Chamberpn)把不完全竞争理论引入区位论研究中,使区位论由完全竞 …


1.To be attached to one thing (to a certain view) and to look down upon other thing (views) as inferior--this wise men call a fetter.固执某一件事物(或某种见解),而轻视其他事物(或见解)是卑鄙的,智者称它为「束缚」。

2.I must forever rest down in here, is weary of the world from my this every qu on to work loose the misfortune the fetter.我要在这儿永远安息下来,从我这厌倦人世的凡躯上挣脱厄运的束缚。

3.And when the unclean shall be no more, what were modesty but a fetter and a foupng of the mind?若无邪狎,那羞怯除了是精神上的束缚和污垢外还能是什么?

4.I leave not necessarily do not protect. The protection is not the fetter.莪离开吥一定就吥守护,守护乜吥是束缚。

5.Also, his love of freedom chafed against the restriction in much the same way his neck chafed against the starched fetter of a collar.何况他那爱自由的天性也受不了这种压抑,跟他那脖子受不了浆硬了的枷锁十分相像。

6.Because you are continually seeking comfort, security, you find exploiters who assure you that doubt is a fetter, a thing to be banished.因为你不停地在寻找慰藉和安全,你就会找到让你相信质疑是束缚并需要将其摒弃的剥削者。

7.Everybody has happiness which the right pursues itself to want and satisfy, anybody anything has not been possible to fetter.人人都有权利追求自己想要的幸福和满足,没有任何人任何事情可以束缚。

8.Also causes the artistic form to break through traditional the fetter, presented more evolutions and the innovation.也使得艺术形式打破传统的束厄狭隘,呈现了更多的演变及立异。

9.And thus your freedom when it loses its fetters becomes itself the fetter of a greater freedom.因此,当你们的自由摆脱桎梏,它本身将会成为更大自由的桎梏。

10.So for South African capital, apartheid had become a fetter on the mode of production.因此,对南非的资本而言,种族隔离制度已成为生产方式的桎梏。