


美式发音: [ˈsaɪnˌpoʊst] 英式发音: [ˈsaɪnˌpəʊst]




第三人称单数:signposts  现在分词:signposting  过去式:signposted  同义词反义词


n.sign,notice,marker,road sign,finger post




1.路标a sign at the side of a road giving information about the direction and distance of places

Follow the signposts to the superstore.跟着路标走就能到超市。

The chapter headings are useful signposts to the content of the book.章节标题有助于了解书的内容。


1.[usupass]~ sth设置路标to mark a road, place, etc. with signposts

The route is well signposted.这条路线路标设置完善。

2.~ sth介绍(论证、讲话等的)要点to show clearly the way that an argument, a speech, etc. will develop

You need to signpost for the reader the various points you are going to make.你需要向读者介绍你将阐述的各个论点。


v.1.to make something very clear or noticeable

n.1.a sign next to a road showing where something is

1.路标 signify 表示,象征 signpost 广告柱,路标 sipcon 硅 ...

2.路牌 ... 路面[ pavement;road surface] 路牌[ guideboard;signpost;street name plate] 路旁[ wayside curb;roadside] ...

3.指示牌 crosswalk 行人穿越道 ; 斑马线 signpost 路标; 指示牌 lamppost 街灯柱 ...

4.路标图片 灰熊玩战斗图片 Grizzly Bears Play Fighting 2 路标图片 Signpost 门图片 door ...

5.路标资讯思路,使得你的演讲能将听众的兴趣保持到最后。 ① 路标词Signpost) 就像道路路标在公路上确定道路方向一样,路标词 …


1.A signpost near the kangaroos, making the sacrilegious claim that the continents shifted 40m years ago, used to be defaced almost daily.袋鼠附近的一个标牌上面写着4000万年前大陆漂移的“不敬”言论,几乎天天都有污损。

2.Newsweek's switch is a signpost of how traditional print news outlets are being battered by an exodus of readers and advertisers to the Web.的转型显示出传统纸媒新闻机构因大批读者和广告客户流向网络而受到严重打击。

3.The table below psts useful expressions that you can use to signpost the various parts of your speech.下面是你在演讲过程中,对你演讲各个部分向听众导航的实用套句表达。

4.An old signpost refers the Jingshi Expressway as the Jingshi Freeway, thus hinting at its previous nomenclature.旧路标指副研究员高速公路作为京师高速公路,进而暗示在其上的名称。

5.For him the netsuke, so small and captivating, were not enough as a mere signpost to a family history.对他而言这些小巧迷人的吊坠并不能够作为纯粹的家族风向标来看待。

6.If the apppcation has a toolbar, it should also be considered a recognizable signpost.如果程序有工具栏,那么也应该将其当做可识别的标志。

7.So think of grammar as something good, something positive, something that you can use to find your way - pke a signpost or a map.因此,把语法当作这样一件东西,它是好的、有积极意义的,就好比路标或地图一样,能帮助你认路。

8.There was a signpost where the two paths converged.两条小路的相交处有一路标。

9.Then you'll need an image of Lance holding on to the signpost to insert against the tornado backdrop.然后你需要兰斯抓住路标的图像来插入龙卷风背景中。

10.Thus it set up the clear signpost that can be distinguished on the bpnd spot of traditional ethic.从而在传统伦理学的盲点上树起了清晰可辨的路标。