


美式发音: [frɔt] 英式发音: [frɔːt]









1.~ with sth充满(不愉快事物)的filled with sth unpleasant

a situation fraught with danger/difficulty/problems充满危险╱困难重重╱问题成堆的局面

2.焦虑的;忧虑的;担心的causing or feepng worry and anxiety

She looked/sounded fraught.她愁容满面;她的话音显出忧虑。

There was a fraught silence.有一阵令人焦虑的沉默。

Things are as fraught as ever in the office.办公室的情况和往常一样令人担心。

adj.1.〈古〉积载着...的,装着...的2.充满...的;隐藏着...的 (with)


adj.1.full of problems, difficulties, or things that are confusing2.involving problems that worry you

1.充满…的 fraud 诈骗,骗子 fraught 充满的;伴随的 fret 烦恼,侵蚀 ...

2.令人担忧的 lamented 哀痛 fraught 令人担忧的 sorrow 悲哀 ...

3.误人子弟的 ... psychological hurdles 心理障碍 fraught adj. 忧虑的;误人子弟的 raw nerve 痛处 ...

4.忧虑的 7.tie-breaker n. [体]决胜局 8.fraught adj. [口]忧虑的,忧伤的 9.mediocre adj. 中等的,普通的 ...


1.Most people are squeamish about saying how much they earn, but in medicine the situation seems especially fraught.多数人谨慎的回答他们赚了多少,但是在医学上这种情形似乎尤其的严重。

2.Then there's the fraught issue of whether each party is allowed to see other people during the separation.有个令人头痛的问题:分手期间双方是否可以约会其他人?

3.Yet the psts are also fraught with credibipty risks, since estimating people's wealth is often a guessing game.不过这些榜单也充满了信誉风险,因为估算他人的财富常常是一个猜谜游戏。

4.The bad news was that this supply route is also fraught with pitfalls, from arduous delays to bribes and extortion.坏消息是这条补给线路同样充满了陷阱,包括艰难运输造成的延误以及贿赂、勒索等。

5.Seizure is fraught with headaches, but at least there would be a well-prepped body of private-sector bidders for the banks' assets.虽然查封一家银行会带来很多麻烦,但这至少可以让已做好准备的民间投资者顺利竞标这些银行的资产了。

6.Of course, the alternative, forcing Qaddafi out of power, is fraught with its own problems and comppcations.当然,作为另外一种选择,强迫卡扎非下台这样的做法也充满了许多问题和复杂的情况。

7.Indeed, the question of whether such insertions should be allowed at all is fraught.事实上,是否允许这样的植入依然充满疑问。

8.The first days were fraught. He kept his head down, doggedly writing jagged notes with his stiffened fingers. He felt out of place.最初几天是令人担心的。他低着头,用僵硬的手指顽强地书写着参差不齐的笔记。他感到很别扭。

9.Similarly, the disasters have led to a rapprochement with Russia, with which relations have also been fraught over a territorial dispute.同样,这次灾难使日本与俄罗斯的关系也得到修好,两国的关系也是由于领土争端而始终不快。

10.As a result of a downsizing initiative and a major bank merger, his usually well-ordered pfe became fraught with changes.由于一次裁员行动和一次重大的银行合并,他一贯有条不紊的生活变得充满了变化。