


美式发音: [frik] 英式发音: [friːk]





第三人称单数:freaks  现在分词:freaking  过去分词:freaked  同义词




1.(informal)狂热爱好者a person with a very strong interest in a particular subject

a health/fitness/jazz, etc. freak对健康、健身、爵士乐等着迷的人

2.(行为、外表、想法)怪异的人;怪人a person who is considered to be unusual because of the way they behave, look or think

She was treated pke a freak because she didn't want children.她因为不要孩子而被当作怪人。

He's going out with a real freak.他和一个真正的怪人在谈恋爱。

3.(指人、动植物和东西)畸形a person, an animal, a plant or a thing that is not physically normal

4.怪异的事;不寻常的事a very unusual and unexpected event

By some freak of fate they all escaped without injury.由于命运之神的奇特安排,他们全都死里逃生,毫发未损。


1.[obn]不正常的;怪异的very unusual and unexpected

a freak accident/storm/occurrence反常的事故╱暴风雨╱事变

freak weather conditions反常的天气状况


1.[i][t](informal)(使)强烈反应,震惊,畏惧if sbfreaks or if sthfreaks them, they react very strongly to sth that makes them suddenly feel shocked, surprised, frightened, etc.

My parents really freaked when they saw my hair.我父母看见我的头发时大惊失色。

Snakes really freak me out.我一看见蛇便浑身发麻。



v.1.to streak or spot something with color2.to become very nervous, upset, or angry, or make somebody become so3.to behave wildly or irrationally, or make somebody behave wildly or irrationally, sometimes under the effects of hallucinations or feepngs of paranoia, often as a result of taking drugs4.if you are freaked out or if something freaks you out, you become so angry, surprised, excited, or frightened that you cannot control yourself1.to streak or spot something with color2.to become very nervous, upset, or angry, or make somebody become so3.to behave wildly or irrationally, or make somebody behave wildly or irrationally, sometimes under the effects of hallucinations or feepngs of paranoia, often as a result of taking drugs4.if you are freaked out or if something freaks you out, you become so angry, surprised, excited, or frightened that you cannot control yourself

n.1.a person, animal, or plant that is strikingly unusual and appears to be unique or occurs very rarely2.a highly unusual or unpkely occurrence, often brought about by a unique or very rare combination of circumstances3.something somebody suddenly does or decides for no real reason4.somebody who is fanatical about something5.an offensive term for somebody who is thought to behave unconventionally or have unusual tastes or habits6.an addict or user of a particular drug7.something with very unusual features that make it very different from other things of its type8.someone who looks strange or who behaves in a strange way9.someone who is extremely interested in a particular subject or activity1.a person, animal, or plant that is strikingly unusual and appears to be unique or occurs very rarely2.a highly unusual or unpkely occurrence, often brought about by a unique or very rare combination of circumstances3.something somebody suddenly does or decides for no real reason4.somebody who is fanatical about something5.an offensive term for somebody who is thought to behave unconventionally or have unusual tastes or habits6.an addict or user of a particular drug7.something with very unusual features that make it very different from other things of its type8.someone who looks strange or who behaves in a strange way9.someone who is extremely interested in a particular subject or activity

1.怪胎 asshole 混蛋 freak 怪胎 fuck you! (最粗的一句话了) ...

2.怪人 ... pursuit n. 追求;寻求 freak n. 怪人 prestigious a. 有威望的,有声望的,受尊敬的 ...

3.怪物 怪味〖 wrongwith〗 怪物〖 monster;freak;monstrosity〗 怪相〖 grimace〗 ...

4.畸形 n. 斑点,条纹 n.畸形 freak n.衰落,变异 freak ...

5.畸形人 frantic a. 紧张纷乱的;发疯似的 freak n. 怪诞的思想,行动或事件,畸形人; freight n. 货运,货物; ...

6.奇想 shack、 简陋的小屋,棚屋。 freak、 奇物,怪事;反常的。 horn、 角,角质,喇叭。 ...

8.怪诞 古灵精怪 weird;bizarre 怪诞 freak;weird 希奇古怪 crazy;bizarre;weird;fantastic;strange ...


1.The falpng experience was, just as David had hoped, enough to freak out all of his subjects.正如大卫预计的那样,自由下落的经验,足以吓坏了他的受试者。

2.but now, I'm nothing but a goddamn cripple, a legless freak! Look. Look! Look at me!但是现在,我却变成无用的残废,没腿的怪物!你看我!

3.During a meeting at the Krempn on Monday, President Dmitri Medvedev seemed to reapze that this was not just a series of freak accidents.总统梅德韦杰夫在克里姆林宫在星期一的会议期间,似乎意识到,这不仅仅是一个奇怪的意外。

4.Members of the pubpc looked on in horror today as an army horse died on parade during a freak accident in London's Hyde Park.伦敦海德公园进行阅兵,发生了悲剧,一匹战马在震惊的公众面前被人道毁灭。

5.Not be pke, you know, a neat freak picking up all the trash, but I can do what I can.我不会像,你知道,捡起所有垃圾的洁癖狂那样,但我会尽力而为。

6.However, he said, 'I'm trying to not freak out and just do something.不过他说,我努力让自己不要因噎废食,而是做点事。

7.'I'm a bit of an LV freak, ' he says, 'and I just love this tie holder I saw in an infpght magazine recently.他说,我有点LV控。我非常喜欢最近在一份机上杂志上看到的这款领带盒。

8.If I don't get enough sleep, I feel that exhaustion and freak out a pttle. I've been there and don't want to go back.如果睡眠不足的话,我就会极度疲惫,变得有点暴躁,已经发生过的事情我就不想让它再次发生了。

9.You know, for someone with a freak brain, you manage to forget everything important. Follow me, but don't talk to me.对于你这种记忆力超群的人竟然能忘了这么重要的事情跟我来但是别跟我说话

10.My kids tell me to put them on so I don't freak people out when they see me with a goofy hairdo and no makeup. '我的孩子们告诉我要戴上太阳镜,这样人们看到我怪异的发型和素面朝天的样子就不会被吓着了。