



美式发音: [frik] 英式发音: [friːk]




第三人称单数:freaks  现在分词:freaking  过去分词:freaked  同义词





v.1.to streak or spot something with color2.to become very nervous, upset, or angry, or make somebody become so3.to behave wildly or irrationally, or make somebody behave wildly or irrationally, sometimes under the effects of hallucinations or feepngs of paranoia, often as a result of taking drugs4.if you are freaked out or if something freaks you out, you become so angry, surprised, excited, or frightened that you cannot control yourself1.to streak or spot something with color2.to become very nervous, upset, or angry, or make somebody become so3.to behave wildly or irrationally, or make somebody behave wildly or irrationally, sometimes under the effects of hallucinations or feepngs of paranoia, often as a result of taking drugs4.if you are freaked out or if something freaks you out, you become so angry, surprised, excited, or frightened that you cannot control yourself

n.1.a person, animal, or plant that is strikingly unusual and appears to be unique or occurs very rarely2.a highly unusual or unpkely occurrence, often brought about by a unique or very rare combination of circumstances3.something somebody suddenly does or decides for no real reason4.somebody who is fanatical about something5.an offensive term for somebody who is thought to behave unconventionally or have unusual tastes or habits6.an addict or user of a particular drug7.something with very unusual features that make it very different from other things of its type8.someone who looks strange or who behaves in a strange way9.someone who is extremely interested in a particular subject or activity1.a person, animal, or plant that is strikingly unusual and appears to be unique or occurs very rarely2.a highly unusual or unpkely occurrence, often brought about by a unique or very rare combination of circumstances3.something somebody suddenly does or decides for no real reason4.somebody who is fanatical about something5.an offensive term for somebody who is thought to behave unconventionally or have unusual tastes or habits6.an addict or user of a particular drug7.something with very unusual features that make it very different from other things of its type8.someone who looks strange or who behaves in a strange way9.someone who is extremely interested in a particular subject or activity

1.畸形人 23 妖夜荒踪 Lost Highway 1997 24 怪胎 Freaks 1932 25 逝影惊心 The Vanishing 198…

3.畸型人 (无) 吸血鬼 Dracula (待制作)(无) 畸型人 Freaks 迈克尔•柯蒂斯 Michael Curtiz ...

4.畸零人 ... Shanghai Express 上海特快车 Freaks 畸零人 Zero for Conduct 操行零分 ...

5.马戏团 Fang Pi Clang 功夫会 Freaks 马戏团 Frozn 冷冻族 ...

6.怪物 喜剧性事件 comedy 行动或事件 freaks 一个事件 episode ...

8.怪诞的思想 有思想的人 modern 怪诞的思想 freaks 思想家 thinker ...


1.Hey freaks! You will be very glad to hear that I am coming with you.嘿怪咖们你们会很高兴听到我会跟你们一起去!

2.However, it'll be a lot longer than four years before we know whether this generation will grow up to be freaks or not (my guess is not).然而,要知道这代人长大后是否会成为异类(我猜不会),需要的时间要比4年长得多。

3.The lady freaks out, and goes running into the next car sobbing uncontrollably. The conductor sees her and comes over to her to console her.太太吓坏了,跑到隔壁的车厢不可节制地啜泣起来。乘务员看见了就走过来安慰她。

4.You cause me a great deal of pain. One does have freaks, but one does not cause one's pttle Cosette grief.您使我多么难受,您有怪癖,但也不必使您的小珂赛特难过呀!

5."I told him it was an amazing animal show with freaks and oddities, " Strong told The News.我告诉他,这是一个令人惊异的动物展,都是畸形和怪胎。

6.Beneath the surface of the 100 Days lurks a deeper issue. The president and his people seem to be control freaks.这份工作报告下暗潮汹涌,原由似乎是总统和他的手下都是控制狂。

7.He freaks all of young bears over here and she-bears were always trying to hold their kids far back from him.它让这里所有的幼熊恐惧,母熊也总是让自己孩子离它远远的。

8.And I just thought I should really return it before he, you know, freaks out.我想我要早点还给他,免得他抓狂。

9.Ross points out that Phoebe's never been in a long term relationship, which freaks her out just as she leaves on a date with Mike.罗斯说菲比从未全心投入一段稳定长期的感情,正要出门跟迈克约会的菲比闻听此言,大惊失色。

10.It's such a - you know, you say, you know, "I'm going to be playing the Doctor! " Even when I say it now, and it freaks me out.这是如此的–你知道,你说,你知道,“我将扮演博士!”即使我现在说,也让我感到震惊。