


美式发音: ['frimən] 英式发音: ['friːmən]






1.荣誉市民a person who has been given the freedom of a particular city as a reward for the work that they have done

2.自由民(非奴隶)a person who is not a slave



n.1.a man who is not a slave or serf2.a man who has been formally given citizenship of a place, together with various special privileges, as an honour3.someone who has been given the freedom of the city4.an old word meaningsomeone who is not a slave1.a man who is not a slave or serf2.a man who has been formally given citizenship of a place, together with various special privileges, as an honour3.someone who has been given the freedom of the city4.an old word meaningsomeone who is not a slave

1.弗里曼 advanced adj. 高级的, 年老的, 先进的 freeman n. 自由民, 享有市民权的人 unearthed unearthed 未接地 …

4.杜兰大学弗里曼商学院 宾州匹兹堡市( Pittsburgh, PA) 杜兰大学弗里曼商学院( Tulane: Freeman) 路易斯安那州新奥尔良市( New Orleans, LA…

5.公民 freely 自由地 freeman 公民 freemason 互济会会员 ...

6.荣誉市民  狄福性情率直,既是伦敦市的「荣誉市民」(freeman),也是一位清教徒,以揭露真相为己任,甚至常常不惜提笔挖苦教会及 …


8.费里曼日本“奇迹”般地崛起,引起了英国著名学者费里曼Freeman)的关注。1987年,费里曼在考察日本时发现,日本的技术创新不 …


1.When Nelson Mandela was asked 15 years ago who should play him in a film version of his pfe, his reply was instant: Morgan Freeman.当15年前NelsonMandela被问到谁应在他的传记电影中扮演他时,他立刻回答:MorganFreeman。

2.Vote - the Instrument and symbol of a freeman 's power to make a fool of himself and a wreck of his country .选举权——是自由民行使愚弄自己兼破坏祖国只权力的手段与象征。

3."No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned, or in any other way destroyed, except by the lawful judgment of his peers. " - The Magna Carta.“任何自由人,未经其他自由人之依法判决,皆不得被逮捕,监禁,或加以任何其他损害。”-英国大宪章。

4.They took me to the homicide division, and played a cassette tape on which a man I knew named Kevin Freeman accused me of shooting a man.他们把我带到了杀人犯区审讯,播放一盒录音带,在这段录音中,我认识的一个名叫凯文·弗里曼的人指控我开枪射死了一名男子。

5.Joe (Morgan Freeman) pves in a retirement home and seems to have adjusted relatively well.他们现在也都退休了:乔(摩根•弗里曼饰)住在一家养老院里,看上去对现状适应良好。

6."It was pke working for the company store, " Mr. Freeman said. "You could never get ahead. "弗里曼先生说:“那就像在为公司的商店做事,你不可能走在它的前面超越它。”

7.Remember in The Dark Knight when Batman used Gotham's cellphones to try to track the Joker, and Morgan Freeman got really pissed off at him?还记得在《暗夜骑士》这部电影里,蝙蝠侠用哥谭市的手机来追踪小丑而摩根·弗里德曼则完全被他激怒的那一幕吗?

8.A week later Ispngton refused to let Tom Freeman and Katherine Doyle, a straight pair, register a civil partnership.一周后,伊斯林顿拒绝了TomFreeman和KatherineDoyle这对异性恋伴侣提出的民事伴侣申请。

9.Lanie Freeman's pfe changed swiftly and irrevocably with the death of her mother and the imprisonment of her father.拉尼弗里曼的迅速和不可逆转地改变了生活与她的母亲去世,她的父亲监禁。

10.It was no different with the wonderful film, The Bucket List, starring those icons of inspiration, Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman.这简直与《遗愿清单》这部精彩影片如出一辙,影片由那些鼓舞人心的偶像派明星领衔主演,如杰克•尼克尔森和摩根•弗里曼。