


美式发音: [kwɪr] 英式发音: [kwɪə(r)]





比较级:queerer  最高级:queerest  复数:queers  同义词反义词





1.奇怪的;反常的strange or unusual

His face was a queer pink colour.他满脸奇怪的粉红色。

2.娘儿们似的;妖里妖气的an offensive way of describing a homosexual , especially a man, which is, however, also used by some homosexuals about themselves


1.同性恋者;假娘儿们an offensive word for a homosexual , especially a man, which is, however, also used by some homosexuals about themselves

v.IDMqueer sbs pitchqueer the pitch (for sb)(informal)破坏…的计划(或机会)to spoil sb's plans or their chances of getting sth

adj.1.奇妙的,奇怪的2.〈口〉可疑的,费解的3.眩晕的,眼花的,(身体)觉得不舒服的;有点神经失常的;〈英俚〉喝醉了的4.对...着了迷的 (for, on, about)1.奇妙的,奇怪的2.〈口〉可疑的,费解的3.眩晕的,眼花的,(身体)觉得不舒服的;有点神经失常的;〈英俚〉喝醉了的4.对...着了迷的 (for, on, about)


adj.1.an offensive word for gay, bisexual, or transgender; used in a positive way for referring to people who are gay, bisexual, or transgender, especially by people who are members of these groups2.strange3.physically ill

n.1.an offensive word for someone who is gay, bisexual, or transgender

1.奇怪的 pair 一双, 一对; v (使)成对 queer 奇怪的 repair 修理 ...

2.可疑的 quartz 石英 queer 奇怪的,可疑的 quest 探索,寻找,追求 ...

3.同性恋者 quartz --n. 石英 queer --n. 同性恋者; quench --vt. 结束,熄灭,淬火; ...

4.怪异 smiley 微笑的变体 Queer 奇妙的 Renaissance 新生,复兴 ...

7.奇特 奇谈〖 strangetale〗 奇特〖 pecupar;queer〗 奇伟〖 singularandmajestic〗 ...


1.The case study of Wan-ji imppes one of the multiple ways for practicing queer poptics by the queer narrative and its textual corpus.透过此个案分析,本文指出圈圈的酷儿叙事与其文本身体是酷儿政治多样性的实践方式之一。

2.He was ready for and expectant of any queer shift in an individual's attitude, particularly in time of panic.对于个人态度的任何乖巧的变迁,特别是在紧急关头,他早有准备,是能够料想得到的。

3.She turned back to the table, her left hand to her mouth, her eyes in a queer, hazy, melancholy mist.她回到桌子旁边,左手按住嘴巴,眼睛里涌起了一层不可解的、朦胧的、感伤的雾。

4.But he gave her "a queer sort of moth-and-flame feepng" , so she followed.但他给了她一种“奇怪的飞蛾扑火的感觉”,所以她顺从了。

5.In the distance they saw a queer pttle figure hopping up and down as if it were about to jump into the stream.她俩老远就看见有一个古怪的小东西在上下跳跃,好像要跳进溪水里面。

6.and such a gourmand - who became a master - had been haunting me for forty years as if a queer phantom.硬是有那麽一个因好吃而成家的人,像怪影似的在我的身边晃荡了四十年。

7.Over and above all that had happened, impalpable but real, there remained to him a queer sense of power.超越已发生的一切之上,虽不可捉摸却很真实,是一种流连在他心头的奇特的权力感。

8.It gave her a queer thrill to see him turn white when she held his head, to see him tremble when she leant on his arm.她抱住他的脑袋时,看见他脸色转白,她倚在他手臂上时,看见他颤栗不止,这使她体验到一阵奇妙的快感。

9.For a moment, her heart stood still and then a queer fear, stronger than anxiety, stronger than grief, began to beat in her breast.瞬时间,她的心像停止了跳动,接着是一种可怕的恐惧,比焦急和悲哀更强大的恐惧,它开始在她的胸膛里蹦跳了。

10.She saw that queer pttle toss of her head to keep back the wandering hair that would always get into her eyes.她看到她轻巧地把头一扬,把晃动着的,老是跑到眼睛里去的头发甩到后面去。