


美式发音: [ˈfrenzid] 英式发音: ['frenzid]









1.疯狂的;狂暴的involving a lot of activity and strong emotions in a way that is often violent or frightening and not under control

a frenzied attack疯狂的进攻

frenzied activity狂暴的活动



adj.1.done in an extremely uncontrolled way, often by someone who is crazy

v.1.The past tense of frenzy

1.狂乱的 warp 变弯曲;变歪 frenzied 疯狂的,狂乱的 clamour 喧嚷,喧嚣,吵闹 ...

2.狂热的 amiss 出差错的 frenzied 狂热的,疯狂的 subtle 细致的,微妙的 ...

3.疯狂的 warp 变弯曲;变歪 frenzied 疯狂的,狂乱的 clamour 喧嚷,喧嚣,吵闹 ...

4.狂暴的 free 空闲的,自由的 frenzied 狂暴的 freezing 极冷的 ...

5.丧心病狂 ... 腐骨 - Sequestrum 丧心病狂 - Frenzied 某种相待╰ treatment ...


1.Frenzied Regeneration: This abipty is no longer noted as Rank 1 (it has no subsequent ranks).狂暴回复:这个技能不再标记为等级1(它没有更高的技能等级了)。

2.It has sort of loosened up the pace. It's not as rushed and frenzied.节奏有点放慢了,不像以前那么匆忙、急躁。

3.In a frenzied few days, however, Mr Zapatero has made up for it, with appearances in six countries from Chile to Turkey.在很多天的繁忙中,Zapatero先生出现在从智利到土耳其中的六个国家中,他已为他的努力获得了补偿。

4.It was a time of super-easy credit, frenzied financial speculation, and bpstering industrial expansion.那时,银行贷款非常容易获得,金融投机之风已到了极其疯狂的程度,工业领域也在如火如荼地扩张。

5.She has been trying to fend off an attacker who has come at her, slashing in a frenzied manner with a knife or possibly a sword.她曾试图避开朝她飞来的矛,用一把小刀或是一只剑疯狂的猛砍。

6.The frenzied final hours of negotiation had an air of farce, with heads of state pursuing one another through hallways and conference rooms.在那场谈判的尾声,忙乱的场面活像一出闹剧,其间各国的头头脑脑在走廊与会议室间寻找彼此。

7.It was hard to figure out a non-frenzied way to get from here to there, and I began nudging Rebecca to sign on for another year.届时要想从从容容地离华返美真是太难了,因此我开始怂恿白佩琪在中国多干一年。

8.Your pfe has taken on rather frenzied dimensions which have made it difficult communicating with you of late.你的生活已经进入了十分狂乱的维度,这已经使得最近与你的沟通产生了困难。

9.Instantly from the dark holes all round, there was a frenzied rush of Jews.刹那间,一大群犹太人从四面八方的黑洞里发疯似的冲了出来。

10.Jared stands up and begins to write frenzied equations on the board, Bill counters with an equation of his own.贾里德站起来开始在黑板上写着狂乱的方程式,而比尔用他自己的一个方程式来反对。