




1.无缝 philanthropy 慈善事业 seamlessly 天衣无缝地 thriving 蒸蒸日上的 ...

5.无间隙地America等组成的特殊统合机构联手推动,透过「无间隙地」(Seamlessly)整合「车与车」及「车与人」的讯息交换,以提高 …

6.无缝合线的媒介是一种具有互动性,互换性的记忆/信息贮存单位,无缝合线的(seamlessly),能用于数码照相机,music player,计算机和其它数 …

7.天衣无缝的 rudimentary 根本的, 未发展的 seamlessly 无缝的,天衣无缝的 beam 光束,电波, 横梁 ...



1.Of those five, you might get two or three interviews, none of which will go as seamlessly as you think.在那五个中,你也许获得两、三次面试机会。而没有一个会和你想象的一样好。

2.The technical planning process that seamlessly follows the organizational planning is the subject of the next article of this series.完成组织规划之后,下一个阶段是技术规划,这是本系列下一篇文章的主题。

3.Since Andrea's new VM code needed a bit of time to be integrated seamlessly with the rest of the kernel, use 2. 4. 13+.因为Andrea的新VM代码需要一些时间才能与内核其余部分达到无缝集成,所以使用2.4.13+。

4.As you walk down the street, your call is seamlessly handed off between access points until you get to the far end of your travels.当你在这条街上继续走动时,你的电话被无缝地在接入点之间切换,直到你到达另外那头。

5.Copy files or directories between servers as seamlessly as if it was all local.在服务器之间复制文件或目录就像在本地一样无缝。

6.Instead of cpcking and waiting for the entire page to reload as you pan a Google Map, you seamlessly scroll around the map with your mouse.在浏览GoogleMap时,不再是单击一下,然后等待整个页面重新装载,而是可以用鼠标顺畅地滚动地图。

7.At this point, you've seamlessly integrated geocoding into your apppcation just as Google Maps does.到目前为止,您已经像GoogleMap一样无缝地将地理编码集成到您的应用程序里。

8.It would be seamlessly synched with all of your devices and with iCloud. It will have the simplest user interface you could imagine.它将实现与你所有的设备及iCloud的无缝同步,它能拥有你所能想象到的最简化操作界面。

9.The difference is, in Gemstone, these have all been designed from the ground up to work together as quickly and seamlessly as possible.区别在于,在Gemstone中,它们的自底向上被设计的尽可能的迅捷和无缝。

10.Out of these three options, the first two can be used to seamlessly secure the data, but you have to dedicate a partition for this setup.在这三种方法中,前两个可以无缝地保护数据,但是必须为这种设置指定专用的分区。