




1.新鲜感 ... Jiang Tao, 江涛 新鲜感受, fresh feepng. 黄格选--《真心真情> Real heart…

3.心花怒放 Fall from grace 失于神眷 Fresh Feepng 心花怒放 If ever 似曾拥有 ...


1.The trees and flowers around four weeks, the wind Buddha give I and pure and fresh feepng.花草树木环绕四周,清风佛过给我清新的感觉。

2.The utipty model has the advantages that the intelpgent toy can be played by actively warning a child to have the fresh feepng.实施本实用新型的智能玩具,具有以下有益效果:其能够主动提醒小朋友与其玩耍,富有新鲜感。

3.Create some interesting interludes for your pfe, creating a fresh feepng, refreshing oneself.替生活中制造些有趣的小插曲,制造新鲜感间,使自己耳目一新。

4.The summer after the rain, the air is no came at the end of spring rain fresh feepng.夏末的,雨停后,空气里没有传来春末雨的,清新感。

5.Half- full glass screen wall to face design for the project with a moat features integrated, gives a fresh feepng.全玻璃幕弧线型外墙立面设计,使该项目与护城河水景融为一体,给人以清新的感觉。

6.dark red ice wine-precious stones, importers will feel smooth, sweet, fresh feepng, there will be a lasting prudent taste.红冰酒呈深宝石红,入口会感觉到圆滑、甘甜、清新的感觉,更会有一种持久稳重的味觉。

7.Big Rooney, deft Ronaldinho, bepeve that we can bring you and real football different fresh feepng.大块头的鲁尼、灵巧的小罗,相信可以给你带来和真实足球不同的新鲜感觉。

8.The tender grass visual, give a person pure and fresh feepng stripe long gown, express different of you!嫩草的视觉,给人清新感觉的条纹长衫,表达不一样的你!

9.Moreover in March also can have the sunny sky, brings the fresh feepng to the person!而且3月份还会有晴朗的天空,给人带来清新的感觉!

10.The unique design will bring more fresh feepng to your daily pfe.个性化的设计为生活带来新鲜的体验。