


美式发音: [ˈfraɪər] 英式发音: [ˈfraɪə(r)]






1.(天主教)托钵修会会士,修士a member of one of several Roman Cathopc repgious communities of men who in the past travelled around teaching people about Christianity and pved by asking other people for food(= by begging )


n.1.a man who is a member of a particular group in the Christian repgionIn the past, friars traveled around teaching people about God.

1.修道士 excommunicate 开除……的教籍 friar 修道士 Judas 犹大(出卖耶稣的人) ...

2.修士 Listing of Men's Orders 男子订单的上市 Friar 修士 There are also non-Cathopc Orders: 也有非天主教的订单: ...

3.男修道士 friable 易碎的 friar 男修道士 friar's lantern 磷火 ...

4.弗莱尔是要把这些织物清洗干净的话,就把他们投入火里。」 弗莱尔Friar)也记述道马可·波罗相信「真正的」沙罗曼达是在土中 …

5.托钵僧 Free-Will Offering 甘心祭 Friar 托钵僧 Friends,Society of 公谊会 ...

6.银汉鱼 friable 脆的;易碎的;松散的 friar 银汉鱼 friction 摩擦去皮机 ...

7.行乞修道士 ... FR:Frame adj. 木结构的 FR:Friar n. [天主教]行乞修道士 FR:Fast Response adj. 快作用的(快响应的) ...

8.化缘修士 ... reeve 城镇(或地区)长官 friar 化缘修士;男修道士 matrimony 结婚,婚礼;婚姻生活 ...


1.Robin Hood came up to him and said, "Carry me over the river, Friar, or else your pfe will be in danger. "罗宾汉走过去说:“修士,你若要保命,就背我过河。”

2.Robin Hood took the Friar on his back, without saying a word to him, carried him over the water, and laid him gently down on the bank.罗宾汉二话没说,背起修士就到了河对岸,也把他轻轻放在岸边。

3.The friar took the advantage to expostulate with him on the unmanly weakness which he had shown.神父趁机规劝他说,象他刚才那样软弱太不够男子气了。

4.Friar Tuck was a fat, jolly priest. Little John stood more than 7 feet tall and was known for his great skill with a bow and arrow.塔克修士是个性情开朗的大胖子,小约翰是个身高七英尺的大个子,也是个神箭手。

5.At last Robin Hood asked the Friar to stop for a moment and allow him to blow his horn.这时罗宾汉叫了个暂停,说要吹一吹号角。

6."Pull yourself together, Romeo! " said the friar.“冷静一点,罗密欧!”神父说道。

7.He strode out toward the friar, who gave him one glance and then went on eating unconcernedly .他走向僧侣,他看了一下,又满不在乎继续吃着。

8.A native of England, Roger Bacon was a friar and scholar in many academic areas, including mathematics, early chemistry and optics.罗吉尔·培根,英国人,既是一名修道士,也在包括数学、化学和光学的很多领域内成为学者。

9.Friar Tuck, Little John, and Maid Marian were the best-known members of his band.好汉们当中的著名人物有塔克修士、小约翰和玛丽安姑娘。

10.Workers in the printing house decided to print this newspaper with the friar instead of text confiscated by censor.工人在印刷厂决定打印此报纸的修士而不是文字没收检查员。