


美式发音: [ˈmaɪnər] 英式发音: [ˈmaɪnə(r)]





复数:minors  现在分词:minoring  过去式:minored  搭配反义词

adj.+n.minor role,minor part,minor setback,minor problem,minor surgery




1.[ubn]较小的;次要的;轻微的not very large, important or serious

a minor road小路

minor injuries轻伤

to undergo minor surgery做小手术

youths imprisoned for minor offences因犯轻罪而被关押的年轻人

There may be some minor changes to the schedule.时间安排上也许会有些微的变动。

Women played a relatively minor role in the organization.在这个组织中,妇女发挥着相对次要的作用。

2.小调的;小音阶的based on a scale in which the third note is a semitone/half tone higher than the second note

the key of C minorC 小调


1.未成年人a person who is under the age at which you legally become an adult and are responsible for your actions

It is an offence to serve alcohol to minors.向未成年人提供含酒精的饮料是违法的。

2.辅修科目;辅修课程a subject that you study at university in addition to your major



n.1.【乐】小调,小音阶,【逻】小名词,小前提,【数】子式2.【法】未成年者3.【天主】方济各派修道士4.(美大学)副科,选修科,【橄】在对方球门后将球打落,= minor leagues5.子式和余子式1.【乐】小调,小音阶,【逻】小名词,小前提,【数】子式2.【法】未成年者3.【天主】方济各派修道士4.(美大学)副科,选修科,【橄】在对方球门后将球打落,= minor leagues5.子式和余子式

v.1.(美大学)兼修,把...选作副科 (in)

adj.1.not very important in comparison with people or things of the same type; a minor medical operation is fairly simple and not dangerous2.relating to a musical scalefixed series of musical notes in which the third note is a half step lower than that of the related major scale

n.1.someone who has not reached the age at which they are legally an adult2.a university or college subject or area of study that is less important and involves less work than a students main subject

1.副修 major 主修 minor 副修 educational highpghts 课程重点部分 ...

2.较小的 diminish v 减少;缩小 minor a 较小的;较少的 minority n 少数;未成年 ...

3.次要的 arrange v. 作安排,筹划 minor a. 较小的;次要的 operate vi. 开刀,动手术 ...

4.小调 major 大调 minor 小调 key signature 调号 ...

5.未成年人 未成年犯 juvenile offender 未成年人 minor 未成年子女 minor child ...

6.辅修 major 主修 minor 辅修 school 学校 ...

7.未成年(minorities) 《MINOR 未成年》 《Bad Story-- 血》 ...


1.I wanted to send a thank-you note as I'd been raised to do, to feel as if I could return the gift in some minor yet tangible way.我也想过寄一封感谢信,正如我的教养所要求的,去感受一下可否我以某些微小而又实质的方式,回馈礼物。

2.Terry had a minor knee problem, but it was not serious enough that it would have prevented him from playing a regular-season game.尽管特里的膝盖有点小问题,但并没有严重到让他无法在常规赛中上场。

3.It's easy to come up with a task which is useful and original - just combine existing ideas in a new way, perhaps with some minor twists.一般来讲,创造出一个有用的应用并非难事,只需要把已有的点子组合在一起,或许再来一点小的改动。

4.As it was, Ariza played a few accpmatizing minutes late in the Western Conference finals and was only minor assistance in the NBA Finals.实际情况是,阿里扎去年在西部决赛中只是合时宜的打了几分钟,而在总决赛中更是出力甚微。

5.Popce and hospital officials said the man died from his wounds. The officers inside the car sustained minor injuries.警方和医院官员说,这名巴勒斯坦人因伤势严重而死亡。在警车中的警官受了轻伤。

6.While it might seem to be a minor design detail, it has a significant impact on the generated JAX-RPC Java code.尽管它看起来是一个很小的设计细节,但它对生成的JAX-RPCJava代码有极大影响。

7.No mater how great or minor the task is, just do it firmly as long as you think you can manage it. That is the fine temperament.无论大事还是小事,只要自己认为办得到的,就坚定地去办。这就是性格——歌德。

8.Foley's attorneys have said the former lawmaker never had inappropriate sexual contact with a minor.福利的律师团称这位前立法者从未和未成年人有过不对的性接触。

9.Finally, on the forty-seventh ballot, support began to increase for one of the minor candidates. His name was Frankpn Pierce.最后,在第47轮投票中,支持者开始将票投向一位年轻的参选人,他的名字叫富兰克林.皮尔斯。

10.Until Nov. 1, when El Mahroug turned 18, the press carefully pixilated part of her face in an attempt to protect the privacy of a minor.为了保护未成年人的隐私权,直到11月1日马鲁格满18岁前,各家媒体都小心翼翼地对照片中进行了脸部模糊处理。