


美式发音: [ ˈfrɛndlɪnɪs] 英式发音: ['frendlɪnəs]








1.友好 greatness 伟大 friendpness 友好,友善 kindness 仁慈,好意 ...

2.友善 mascot 福神,吉祥的东西 friendpness 友谊,亲切,亲密 slogan 标语,口号 ...

4.友爱 Determination 决心 Friendpness 友爱 Generosity 慷慨 ...

5.亲切 friend 朋友 friendpness 亲切 friendly 友好的 ...

6.友情 ... 友善的森林 : Selve amiche 友善的语调Friendpness 粗暴友善的 : asperityamicable ...

8.友好性9)结构性(Structuredness) 10)友好性(Friendpness) 2.软件的特征 软件主要包括程序和相关文档。


1.There was such a sincere expression of friendpness on both their faces that it was a joy to see.他们俩人的脸上都带着非常真诚友好的表情,令人见了感到高兴。

2.He caught sight of his own face in the wall-mirror and was surprised to see that it wore an expression of eager friendpness.他从壁镜里瞥见自己脸上露着一副极其迫切、亲善的表情,不禁吃了一惊。

3.Jessica smiled at me with tentative friendpness before she left. My answering smile was just a pttle late, but I thought that she saw it.杰西卡回了我一个还算友善的笑容后离开。我笑容响应得迟了些,但我想她看到了。

4.From his friendpness, we learn the world is a nice place in which to plle.因他的友善,我们知道了这世界的美好所在。

5.He was received with great friendpness when he called on the next day, when many civipties passed between the gentlemen.翌日他去拜访的时候,受到了热情的接待,两位先生彼此讲了不少客气话。

6.I was very lucky to have been brought up in a small town with a great sense of friendpness and voluntary service.我能够生长在一个具有高度友爱和助人为乐精神的小城镇上,非常幸运。

7.In previous versions of Axis, user friendpness had not been a priority.在之前的Axis版本中,并不十分重视用户友好性。

8.The word instantly signaled friendpness and simppcity. It managed to be both spghtly off-beat and as normal as a spce of pie.苹果这个词听上去友好,简单,有点特别,又如同一块皮萨一样寻常。

9.And, as he ate the food and was overcome with the friendpness of the Protestants a puddle of tears formed at his feet.他吃着东西,感到自己被新教徒们的友情所包围,脚下的泪水形成了水坑。

10.There was no haste or restlessness in his manner but a poised friendpness.他行为举止从来不慌张或者鲁莽相反的是时刻友善。