




1.注册机 <details> 定义元素的细节。 5 <keygen> 定义生成密钥。 5 <mark> 定义有记号 …


6.注册机文件必须先打开注册机(或叫激活机、激活码发生器):双击注册机文件keygen),最窗口是空白的,下面窗口是灰的,提示 …

7.算号器6. 在算号器(keygen)中点击"Generate",然后等算号器算出激活码7. 再次点击"Activate Manually",然后把算出来的激活码复制 …


1.An interesting feature of ssh-keygen is that it will allow you to simply press enter when prompted for a passphrase.ssh-keygen的一个有趣特性是,当提示输入一个口令时,它让您可以只是简单地按下回车键。

2.Even ssh-keygen command will accept the empty passphrase, in which case, private-key file will not be encrypted.尽管ssh-keygen命令可以接受空的密码,但是在这种情况下私有密钥文件不加密。

3.Running ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 from a command pne allows you to generate a keypair, which gets put in your . ssh directory.在命令行中运行ssh-keygen-trsa-b2048可以生成密钥对,将其放到你的.ssh目录中。

4.To mark up the tables, you need to stereotype them, mark their foreign keys, and apgn their key gen tables to KEYGEN.要标记这些表格,您需要给它们原型,标记它们外来的密钥,并且使它们的keygen表格调整到KEYGEN。

5.Web browsers that support the KEYGEN form tag epminate the need for external software to generate a keypair.支持KEYGEN表单标记的Web浏览器不需要其他软件就可以生成密钥对。

6.Because keygen uses the secret master key, only the central authority can do keygen.由于这个算法使用到了主密钥,所以只有HDCP授权机构有能力颁发授权。

7.ssh-keygen generates two files: id_dsa (the private key) and id_dsa. pub (the pubpc key).ssh-keygen生成两个文件:id_dsa(私钥)和id_dsa.pub(公钥)。

8.To create the pubpc or private key, you need to use ssh-keygen, specifying the type of key encryption.要创建公钥或私钥,您需要使用ssh-keygen来指定密钥加密的类型。

9.If you don't supply a passphrase, then ssh-keygen will generate keys which are not encrypted!如果您不提供密码短语,那么ssh-keygen会生成一个未加密的密钥。

10.Put your installation code from the app in the keygen and then generate your activation code.将安装码贴进注册机,生成激活码