




1.林德 KikuMatsuda 松田菊男 Linder 林德 Mantis Knives 螳螂 ...

2.瑞典经济学家林德 极端武力 ExtremaRatio 林德系列 LINDER 斧头系列 Tomahawk ...

4.瑞典经济学家林德尔 ●收入分配 贸易基础 2 第一节 重叠需求理论 瑞典经济学家林德尔Linder) 瑞典经济学家林德尔(Staffan B Linder) 1961 …

5.林达其间对偏好(preference)进行专门研究的是林达Linder)的需求偏好相似理论。林达(1961)在其理论中论述了需求偏好相 …

6.林德公司以德国林德公司(Linder)生产的英军SAS突击队匕首为例,如下:一般参数 材质 类型:直刀 全长:29.6CM 刃长:18.5CM 刃厚…


8.林得乐团林得乐团 (Linder)骨肉皮 骨头乐团 固定客 光景消逝 拷秋勤 凯比鸟 海洋套餐 (Seafood) 亥儿(Higher) 回声乐团(Echo) …


1.One candidate is the SuperNova Acceleration Probe (SNAP), for which Perlmutter is the lead scientist and Linder the head theorist.有一个候选仪器是超新星宇宙加速度探测器(SNAP),由珀尔穆特担任首席科学家,而林德是首要理论学家。

2.'We have had about 65 candidates take the survey, ' says PCA Skin Chief Executive Richard Linder, who has filled 17 positions since June.PCASkin首席执行长林德(RichardLinder)说,我们让65位求职者进行了测试。

3.Oh, did I also mention that dermatologists are mostly visual artists, as Dr. Linder loves oil painting?啊,我有说过皮肤病学家几乎是视觉艺术家这样的话吗?

4.Dr. Linder just loves fish oil, omega 6 fatty acids, and omega 3 fatty acids as ingredients as they actually help control oil!LINDER教授喜爱鱼油,含有欧米茄6的脂肪酸,和欧米茄3的脂肪酸,这些成分实际上都有助于控油。

5."They're getting access to the board and audit committee and more attention from the CEO and CFO, " Linder adds.他们可以进入董事会以及查帐委员会,得到CEO和CFO更多的重视。

6.Jacques Tati is the most excellent comedy master in France since Max Linder.雅克·塔蒂是继麦克斯·林戴以来法国最优秀的喜剧大师。

7.Internal Honing Technology for Cypnder pnder气缸套内孔磨削加工技术