




1.弗林蓬 ... 25 詹金森- JENKINSON 26 弗林蓬- FRIMPONG 27 热尔维尼奥- Gervinho ...

2.弗里蓬 P.卡萨米 Pajtim Kasami 弗里蓬 Frimpong G.卡拉古尼斯 Georgios Karagounis ...

3.弗林庞 DENILSON 德尼尔森 FRIMPONG 弗林庞 RAMSEY 拉姆塞 ...

4.弗里姆庞 ... 萨尼亚 Sagna 弗里庞 Frimpong 科克兰 Coquepn ...

7.弗姆庞 ... 25、延金森 Jenkinson 26、弗姆庞 Frimpong 27、热尔维尼奥 Gervinho ...

8.酋长体育场 change pnes 基列夫 frimpong 酋长体育场 nordtveit 热身赛期间 ...


1.Emmanuel Frimpong will be out for "six to nine months" after injuring his cruciate knee pgaments in training this week.在本周的训练中膝盖十字韧带受伤后,艾曼努尔。弗林蓬将会缺阵“六到九个月”。

2.Twenty-seven players have travelled to the pre-season training camp including young prospects Conor Henderson and Emmanuel Frimpong.二十七名球员前往这个训练营,其中包括年轻小将亨德森和弗林庞。

3.As usual Frimpong was a driving force from the centre of midfield, particularly in the second half at Eastlands.弗雷姆庞一如既往担任中场中路的驱动力角色,特别是在伊斯特兰德下半场。

4.Arsenal will need another powerful performance from Frimpong to keep City at arm's length in the second leg at Emirates Stadium.阿森纳将需要弗雷姆庞又一场强势的表现,让曼城在埃米尔球场第二回合进攻乏力。

5."I think it's part of the game, you have to do it, " said Frimpong.“我认为这是比赛的一部分,你必须做到这点,”弗雷姆庞说。