


美式发音: [ˈaɪˌmæks] 英式发音: [ˈaɪmæks]

n.艾麦克斯宽银幕技术;IMAX 超大银幕技术;IMAX 影院




1.[u]艾麦克斯宽银幕技术; IMAX 超大银幕技术technology which allows films/movies to be shown on extremely large screens

2.[c]IMAX 影院;艾麦克斯影院;艾麦克斯宽银幕;超大银幕a cinema/movie theater or screen that uses IMAX

na.1.a method of producing movies that creates much larger images than usual

1.驰能 13.XviD—— 常见标准 15.IMAX—— 所谓巨幕 16.MP4—— 比较尴尬 ...

4.电影院 ... Horror: 恐怖片 Imax: 超大银幕,立体片 Musical: 音乐片 ...


8.超大屏幕影院开阔,漂 亮迷人的照片作为背景.宽广的图片给人一种超大屏幕影院( IMAX )的视觉 效果,传达出空间感及真实感.整个网页显得 …


1.The other day I performed a search for an Imax theater in Santa Barbara, and it told me that the best option was a theater in San Diego.有一天,我在圣巴巴拉搜索大银幕影院,搜索结果告诉我最好的选择是在圣地亚哥的一家影院。

2.The movie "Aftershock" is scheduled to be shown today. It will also be released in IMAX format, a first for a Chinese movie.电影《唐山大地震》定于今日上映,并将以IMAX格式发行,这是国产影片第一次使用IMAX技术。

3."French table dramas do not look much better on IMAX, " notes Jupan Stanford, who manages that company's business in Europe and Africa.该公司在欧洲和非洲的业务主管JupanStanford说,“用IMAX展示法国戏剧效果并不会更好”。

4.Imax's 2D films typically take in about $25m, or 10 per cent of the total box office, he said, but in 3D it has been $40m or more.葛尔方称,Imax的二维电影通常能产生2500万美元收入,即票房总数的10%,但立体电影可带来4000万美元或更高的收入。

5.Peace Cinema is the only commercial cinema in Shanghai with an IMAX screen.和平影都目前是上海唯一一家IMAX影院。

6.Whether on an IMAX screen or caught with a DSLR lens, perfection is the expectation.观众看大银幕或街拍照片,都希望明星是光鲜亮丽的。

7.Now that IMAX films can be depvered digitally for a few hundred dollars, they can be programmed more pke ordinary films.现在IMAX电影可以花费数百美元通过数字化传送,他们也可以像普通电影被程式化。

8.As more Imax-format movies are let in, more films will contribute to its Chinese revenue going forward.随着越来越多Imax格式电影的引进,大量电影将会带动中国电影的票房收入。

9.Helping propel the gross for 'Avatar' was the movie's performance at large-screen Imax locations.《阿凡达》在Imax巨幕影厅的良好表现推动了该片毛收入的增长。

10.One ally, Imax, worked with theater owners to set up a special 15-minute preview last summer without significant cost to the studio.Imax和影院在夏天合作建立了一个15分钟的预演,并且不需要太多的开销。