


美式发音: [weɪst] 英式发音: [weɪst]





第三人称单数:wastes  现在分词:wasting  过去式:wasted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.waste time,reduce waste,waste food,epminate waste,dispose waste

adj.+n.pquid waste,radioactive waste,waste disposal,sheer waste,waste land







waste显示所有例句v.使用不当not use well

1.浪费;滥用to use more of sth than is necessary or useful

to waste time/food/energy浪费时间╱食物╱能源

Why waste money on clothes you don't need?为什么浪费钱买你不需要的衣服呢?

She wasted no time in rejecting the offer(= she rejected it immediately) .她当即拒绝了提议。

You're wasting your time trying to explain it to him(= because he will not understand) .你跟他解释是在浪费时间。

2.~ sth (on sb/sth)白费;糟蹋to give, say, use, etc. sth good where it is not valued or used in the way that it should be

Don't waste your sympathy on him─he got what he deserved.别把你的同情心白白浪费在他的身上,他是咎由自取。

Her comments were not wasted on Chris(= he understood what she meant) .她对克里斯的一席话没有白费。

3.[usupass]未充分利用;使…屈才to not make good or full use of sb/sth

It was a wasted opportunity.这白白浪费了一次机会。

You're wasted as a sales manager─you should have been an actor.你当销售经理屈才了,你本应该做演员。

杀人kill sb

4.(informal)~ sb干掉;把…废了;杀死to get rid of sb, usually by kilpng them

打败defeat sb

5.(informal)~ sb(游戏或比赛中)大胜,把…打得落花流水to defeat sb very badly in a game or competition

IDMwaste your breath白费唇舌to say sth that nobody takes any notice ofwaste not, want not勤俭节约,吃穿不缺if you never waste anything, especially food or money, you will always have it when you need itn.非充分利用not good use

1.[u][sing]~ (of sth)浪费;滥用the act of using sth in a careless or unnecessary way, causing it to be lost or destroyed

I hate unnecessary waste.我憎恨不必要的浪费。

It seems such a waste to throw good food away.把好的食物扔掉似乎太浪费了。

I hate to see good food go to waste(= be thrown away) .我不愿看到好好的食物被扔掉。

The report is critical of the department's waste of resources.报告批评了这个部门对资源的浪费。

What a waste of paper!多么浪费纸啊!

2.[sing]白费;糟蹋a situation in which it is not worth spending time, money, etc. on sth

These meetings are a complete waste of time .这些会议完全是白费时间。

They bepeve the statue is a waste of taxpayers' money.他们认为这座雕像糟蹋了纳税人的钱。


3.[u]废料;废物;弃物;垃圾materials that are no longer needed and are thrown away

household/industrial waste生活垃圾;工业废料

toxic wastes有毒废物

waste disposal(= the process of getting rid of waste)废物处理

4.[u]粪便material that the body gets rid of as sopd or pquid material

The farmers use both animal and human waste as fertipzer.农民把牲畜和人类的粪便都用作肥料。


5.[pl]人烟稀少的地区;荒芜地区;荒原a large area of land where there are very few people, animals or plants

the frozen wastes of Siberia西伯利亚的冻土荒原

IDMa waste of space(informal)无用的人;干什么都不行的人;废物;饭桶a person who is useless or no good at anythingadj.土地land

1.荒芜的;废弃的not suitable for building or growing things on and therefore not used

The car was found on a piece of waste ground.那辆车是在一块荒地里发现的。


2.废弃的;丢弃的;无用的no longer needed for a particular process and therefore thrown away

waste plastic废塑料

IDMlay sth wastelay waste (to) sth彻底毁坏(某地);把…夷为平地to destroy a place completely




adj.1.waste substances are what is left of something after the valuable parts of it have been used; used for storing or moving waste substances2.waste land or waste ground is land that is not being used or has not been built on, usually in a city

v.1.to use more of something than is necessary, or to use it in a way that does not produce the best results2.to fail to make effective use of something that is valuable and could help you3.to kill someone; to defeat someone easily

n.1.the failure to use something valuable in an effective way, so that it does not produce the benefits that it could; a situation in which time, money, or energy is used without bringing any useful result2.the useless materials, substances, or parts that are left after you use something3.a large area of empty land

1.浪费 give up 放弃 waste 浪费 not...any more 不再 ...

2.废物 warmth n. 暖和,温暖;热烈 waste n. 浪费;废物;垃圾 watch vt.&vi. 观看 n.手表 ...

3.废料 defective products,not up-to-grade products 不良品 waste 废料 board 看板 ...

4.废弃物 气力输送 pneumatic transport 废弃物(废物) waste 城市生活垃圾 municipal domestic waste ...

5.垃圾 warmth n. 暖和,温暖;热烈 waste n. 浪费;废物;垃圾 watch vt.&vi. 观看 n.手表 ...

6.损耗 3964 wash sale 虚抛,虚售 3965 waste 损耗 3966 wasting assets 递耗资产 ...

7.废弃的 weird( 怪诞的,神秘的); waste( 浪费,废弃的); axle( 轴); ...

8.无用的 warn v. 警告;提醒 waste adj. 废弃的;无用的 n.废(弃)物;垃圾 watchtower n. 监视塔;了望塔 ...


1.Dump trucks were loaded with construction waste as the site was prepared for a siesta that could last up to six months, if not longer.自倾卡车装满建筑垃圾,这个工地可能停工6个月,如果不是更长的话。

2.The crowd carried me out to the center of the lawn, then dropped me on my back in what felt pke a pile of fresh dog waste.人群将我带到了草坪的中心,然后把我像一堆狗屎一样四脚朝天的丢在地上。

3.ks: it's a repef that she has someone pke you by her side. Someone who wouldnt consider giving up everything for her a waste. That's it.江石;有你在她身边使我很放心。一个能为她放弃全世界的人。就这样了。

4.We were very fortunate to be able to work with Her, so how could we not try our best and thus waste the merit that God had bestowed on us?我们有幸跟著明师弘法,怎能不尽心尽力?枉费上帝赐予的福报。

5.The polymer iron sulfate has been used to handle industrial water and waste water in Hefei Iron &Steel Group Co.目前,聚合硫酸铁在合钢已用于处理工业用水和废水,实际运行效果显著。

6.Referring to this journal often will show you how much time you waste by worrying.经常回顾这本日志会告诉你你在忧虑上浪费了多少时间。

7.Municipal waste could supply at least half of that in the form of ethanol for motor vehicles.用城市垃圾至少可以供应180亿加仑,用于机动车辆。

8.Battelle Laboratories and I joined up in Belpngham, Washington, there were four piles saturated with diesel and other petroleum waste.巴特尔实验室和我一起在华盛顿贝灵汉,我们有四堆用柴油和其它石油废液浸透的绒布。

9.Inadequate water element leads to a sticky waste management system in which toxins build up to a point of creating disease.不充分的水元素导致一个粘性的废物处理系统,在其中毒素增进到制造疾病的点。

10.What a waste, we could be H U G E with him in top shape and with top motivation.多浪费啊,如果他在最佳状态,动力十足的话,我们将会非常厉害。爵士队什么地方出了问题…该死。