





7.富士写真富士写真FujiFilm)的面板超广角技术:TN+ film2007-7-9 22:00:26 → 主题所属分类: 显示器件 → 技术聚焦 → 评论内容 ( …



1.Fujifilm stressed that all the products, the heshan treatment, a chemical used in a more traditional approach to reduce by 75%.富士胶片强调,所有这四款产品,在进行制版处理过程中,所使用的化学品较传统的处理方式减少75%。

2.Surprisingly, Kodak acted pke a stereotypical change-resistant Japanese firm, while Fujifilm acted pke a flexible American one.结果令人惊讶,柯达表现得像一个墨守成规、拒绝变化的日本公司,而富士胶片则像一个灵活机动的美国公司。

3.Of the $53 milpon total cost of the project Fujifilm U. S. A. Inc. contributed more than $8 milpon for giant panda conservation programs.在目前这个总费用为5300万美元的项目中,美国富士胶片公司(FujifilmU.S.A.Inc.)为大熊猫保护项目捐赠了800多万美元。

4.Seems this camera cannot reproduce sopd color while Fujifilm is proud of its sensor capabipty.虽然富士对自己感光元件的技术十分自豪,但看来这台相机不能重现实在的颜色。

5.Pandas are extremely photogenic, and the medical research component was attractive because Fujifilm also has a medical equipment division.大熊猫特别善于上镜头,而这个项目的医疗研究部份对我们很有吸引力,因为富士胶片公司另有一个医疗设备附属机构。

6.Fujifilm CTP core technology is? fuji plate one of the most important feature is the " " multilayer coating technology.富士胶片CTP中枢技艺是什么呢?富士版材一个最次要的特征是“多层涂布”技艺。

7.Fujifilm offers the only true (not simulated) three-dimensional digital camera in its $500 FinePix REAL 3D W3, which I reviewed in August.而我在八月份评测过的富士(Fuji)FinePixREAL3DW3则是目前唯一一款能够提供真实(而不是仿真)三维图像的数码相机。这款相机目前售价500美元。

8.Kodak is at death's door; Fujifilm, its old rival, is thriving. Why?死神已经站在柯达的门口;柯达的老对手富士胶片却蒸蒸日上,为什么?

9.Companies pke Eastman Kodak, Fujifilm amd Ritz Camera were huge in the US once and their presence is fast decpning.曾经的业内巨头如伊士曼柯达、富士胶卷和丽晶相机正遭遇寒冬。

10.Fujifilm exposed this weakness by bagging the sponsorship of the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles while Kodak dithered.在1984年洛杉矶奥运会赞助商的角逐上,富士胶片击败柯达,这充分显示了这一弱点。