




1.充满 complete 完全的,彻底的 -ful 充满…… graceful 优雅的 ...

2.充满…的 ess 表女性,雌性 ful 充满…的,具有…性质的 hood 表身份,状况,性质 ...

3.由名词构成形容词 5,-ary 表示与…有关的 8,-ful 由名词构成形容词 12,-ive 由动词构 …

4.充满诡计的 (artifice 技巧+ (art+ful充满诡计的) (debase 降低+ ...

5.形容词后缀 (sub- 下)+ (-ful 形容词后缀) (please 使高兴)+ - ...

6.功能性尿道长度(functional urethral length)sure pressure (MUCP) and functional urethral length (FUL) were recorded, and their Correlation to vaginal depveries was...

7.具有…性质的 ess 表女性,雌性 ful 充满…的,具有…性质的 hood 表身份,状况,性质 ...


1.I''m so very honored to have this platform here today and I will continue to fight for ful equapty for all. I love you all so much.今天我是如此的荣幸能够站在这里,我将会继续为我们所有应得的权利而斗争,我爱你们。

2.In a university, a European and a one-eyed man walked along a one-way road with a use ful tool. This is a usual thing.在一所大学里,一个欧洲人和一个一只眼的人拿着一件有用的工具沿着一条单行道走着。这是一件平常之事。

3.It was a peace ful, lazy time for both man and dogs while they waited for Thornton's friends to return from Dawson.在等待桑顿的朋友从道桑回来的日子,对人和狗来说,是一段宁静舒赖的时光。

4.He cherished his ful Afro and could spend a long time picking at it in order to make it appear just right.他很喜欢他的非洲式发型,他会花很长时间来打理,使发型很好看。

5.To conduct proper e-business dialogues, the interactions must be asynchronous and state-ful.要进行正确的电子商务对话,交互作用必须是异步的和有状态的。

6.With the REST-ful Web services that Zoho Reports provides, you can add cloud analytics to traditional apppcations.利用ZohoReports提供的REST-ful的Web服务,可以向传统应用程序添加云分析。

7.Ful- time after a year or more of work .工作一年以上开始全日制学习。

8.Ful medames, a dish of partially mashed fava beans laced with herbs, spices and oil, was also considered.Fulmedames(富尔梅达梅斯),一种半碎的蚕豆,配上药草、香料和油的食品也在审议之中。

9.This is the 're-source-ful' energy of the heart.这是心脏‘再生源完全’能量。

10.Large companies in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Sudan and Syria speciapze in canning ful medames for export.埃及、约旦、黎巴嫩、苏丹和叙利亚的大型公司专门为出口生产罐装富尔梅达梅斯。