


美式发音: [ˈfʊlkrəm] 英式发音: ['fʊlkrəm]



复数:fulcrums  复数:fulcra  同义词




1.(杠杆的)支点,支轴the point on which a lever turns or is supported

2.[ususing](活动、情况的)最重要部分,支柱the most important part of an activity or a situation


n.1.the point on which an object balances or turns2.the person or thing that everything else depends on

1.支点 支出〖 payout〗 支点fulcrum〗 支队〖 branch〗 ...

2.支轴 fraction 片段,片刻 fulcrum 支点,支轴,支柱 geometrical 几何的,几何图形 ...

3.支柱 fraction 片段,片刻 fulcrum 支点,支轴,支柱 geometrical 几何的,几何图形 ...

4.杠杆支点 cerebrum 大脑 fulcrum 杠杆支点,支柱 humdrum 单调的,乏味的 ...

5.杠杆的支点 Fuel rail 油轨 Fulcrum 杠杆的支点 Full-floating 全浮式 ...

6.叶附属物 fulcrum n.支点,支轴 fulcrum n.叶附属物,支点,支轴 fulcrum n.杠杆支点 ...

7.棘状鳞 fulcrum n.支点 fulcrum n.棘状鳞,肋弯,支骨 fulcrum n.支点,支轴 ...

8.F支点 MiG-35 Fulcrum F( 支点F) Su-7 Fitter-A( 装配匠A) ...


1.Knowledge is going to have to serve as the fulcrum of progress or provide the key to a decent survival.知识必将成为发展的支柱,也将是改善生存环境的关键所在。

2.Archimedean point is metaphor derived from Archimedes' alleged saying that if he had a fulcrum and a lever, he could move the earth.阿基米德点是一个比喻,典出阿基米德宣称说:假如他有一个支点及槓杆,他能够移动地球。

3.Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.给我足够长的杠杆和一个支点,我可以撬动这个世界。

4.Archimedes had a very prominent saying: give me a fulcrum and I can pry up the whole earth.阿基米德有句名言:给我一个支点,我可以撬起整个地球。

5.Want nothing to do with two chopsticks firmly grip the food, which should be of a low profile, to another a powerful fulcrum chopsticks.想让两根毫不相干的筷子牢牢地夹住食物,其中的一根就应该放低姿态,给另一根筷子一个有力的支点。

6.As he flowered as a footballer, he moved inside and became the fulcrum of his team's attack.当成长为一名足球运动员时,他与球队融合在一起,成为队伍进攻的核心。

7.after all, the 21-year-old is the fulcrum of the side and dictates so much of their play.毕竟,这位21岁球员是这支球队的支点,很大程度上指挥着他们比赛。

8.As the machine is tilted off-balance, the center of pressure acts as a fulcrum for the system to rotate around.由于机器倾斜失去平衡,该中心的压力,作为一个支点,让系统旋转周围。

9.A Channel 4 spokesman told the newspaper that it had given development funds to Fulcrum.一个Channel4的发言人告诉报纸这个电视台已经向Fulcrum提供了研究资金。

10.a lever with a pointed projection that serves as a fulcrum; used to roll heavy wheels.有一个可作支点的尖锐的凸出物的杠杆;用来翻滚重轮。