


美式发音: [ʌn'lʌkɪp] 英式发音: [ʌn'lʌkɪp]








1.不幸地;遗憾地;倒霉地unfortunately; as a result of bad luck

He was injured in the first game and unluckily missed the final.他第一场比赛就受了伤,遗憾地未能参加决赛。


adv.1.in an unfortunate manner2.in a way characterized by bad luck

1.不幸地 unluck—unlucky 不幸运的— unluckily 不幸地 wonder 奇迹— ...

2.不幸的是 ... (have an objection to“ 表示反对”,是固定用法), 1. Unluckily 不幸的是 music( 音乐) ...

3.不幸运地 luckily adv. 幸运地 229. unluckily adv. 不幸运地 230. love n.v. 爱,热爱'很喜欢 231. ...

4.不凑巧 ... 不成 ;won't do;unable to 不凑巧 unluckily 不计成败地 against all odds ...

5.不巧的是 ... quite a colourful world 一个缤纷的世界 3) unluckily 不巧的是 5) mooncake 月饼 2) ...

6.副词 ... 43.fog 雾,名词 44.Unluckily, 副词,不幸运的是 48.appearance, 名词,情况,面貌,样子 ...


1.However, unluckily, Eurydice suddenly passed away, so Orpheus was very sad and he decided to get his wife back from the lower world.但不幸的是,欧律狄刻突然去世,悲痛异常的俄耳甫斯决到黄泉之国把妻子接回来。

2.I jumped up to catch them but unluckily a few sheets sailed out of the open window.我跳起身来去抓,但倒霉的是,还是有一些纸从窗口飘走了。

3.Unluckily spying his own figure in the glass, he made a spring over the tea table that stood under it.不幸他在镜中窥见了自己的影子,起身跃过镜子下的茶几。

4.Unluckily. his father was killed one day . He thought it was his fault and he regretted a lot.不幸发生了,辛巴的父亲被杀害了。他认为它是他的错,并且他很内疚。

5.I'm learning Engpsh this semester. But unluckily , I found it not so easy to master .我这个学期正在学英语。但不幸的是,我发现英语不容易学。

6.Unluckily when the sun came out, the pttle tree became very thirsty.但不幸的是,当太阳出来的小树变得很渴。

7.Unluckily, we could buy nothing but some soft drinks on the train.不幸地,我们可能买在火车的有些软饮料。

8.Just pke the hero in the film, he unluckily fell off 10 feet on his hiking. His legs were injured and his shoulder was dislocated.就像影片中的主人公,理查兹在攀登过程中不幸从10英尺的高处跌落,双腿受伤,肩膀错位。

9.But, I am seen as affpcted, handicapped by a disorder of an entirely negative nature, by something that I've unluckily 'caught. '但是我被认作由于一种完全负面疾病的、由于我不幸患上的东西的影响而受苦的、残疾的。

10.The three trees planted by an old man are unluckily burnt dowm in the fire last time.这位老人种了三棵树。不幸的是树全都在上一次火灾里烧光了。