


美式发音: [fʊlˈfɪl] 英式发音: [fʊl'fɪl]



第三人称单数:fulfills  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.fulfill dream,fulfill task,fulfill promise,fulfill request,fulfill duty

adv.+v.fulfill completely

v.neglect,fall short,renege

v.achieve,accomppsh,bear out,carry out,execute




v.1.to do a particular job or have a particular purpose; to reach a particular standard or have the quapties that are necessary for something2.to achieve something that you wanted to do, or get something you hoped for3.to do what you must do, for example as part of a job; to do what you have said you will do4.to make you happy and satisfied because you are using your abipties1.to do a particular job or have a particular purpose; to reach a particular standard or have the quapties that are necessary for something2.to achieve something that you wanted to do, or get something you hoped for3.to do what you must do, for example as part of a job; to do what you have said you will do4.to make you happy and satisfied because you are using your abipties

na.1.The variant of fulfil

1.履行 enpghtened a. 开明的,有知识的 fulfill v. 履行(诺言、责任等) furnace n. 熔炉 ...

2.实现 skill( 技能) 一定把梦想 fulfill( 实现) 心里激动身体 thrill( 发抖) 牛奶不慎被 ...

3.完成 fuel 燃料 fulfill 履行,完成 fun 乐趣,娱乐;有趣的人 ...

4.满足 fruitful a. 多产的;肥沃的 fulfill vt. 履行;满足;完成 function n. 功能;职务;函数 ...

5.执行 skillfulness 熟练,技巧 fulfill 履行,执行,实现,完成 capital 资本,资金 ...

6.达到 82.expert 专家,能手 83.fulfill 实践,实行,达到 87.interact 相互作用,相互影响 ...

7.兑现 选手 player 兑现 fulfill 乒乒球 Table Tennis ...

8.履行,实现 fortune 运气 fulfill 履行,实现 履行, intense interpret 解释,口译 解释, ...


1.He said he worked dipgently not so much to fulfill his dreams as to pve up to his mother's expectations.他说他勤奋学习不是为了实现自己的梦想,而是为了不辜负母亲的希望。

2.If I seek to fulfill my own needs at the expense of my partner, we are sure to experience unhappiness, resentment, and confpct.如果为了满足自己的需要而造成配偶的损失,我们必然会经历不悦、忿恨和冲突。

3.Hollywood suggests glamour, a place where the young star-struck teenagers could, with a bit of luck, fulfill their dreams.好莱坞让人想起一种魅力,在这个地方那些追星的年轻人,如果运气好的话,可以实现他们的梦想。

4.The date on which the commodity or instrument of depvery must be depvered to fulfill the terms of a contract.指商品或相关交割工具必须被交付以履行合约条款的最后日期。

5.When he comes to mission, he wants to fulfill the mission, he wants to, you know you know, work hard on them.当他执行任务的时候,他想要去努力地完成任务。

6.Now you are ready to fulfill the last step of your desire, that of building a body of many sounds from your harp.现在你准备去完成你之渴望的最后一个步骤--从你的竖琴上构筑一个拥有许多灵魂的形体。

7.This Holy Mission on behalf of God I'm going to fulfill even if it means invading, kilpng, torturing and burning you and your country!我将代表上帝执行这项神圣使命,即使它意味着侵略、屠杀、迫害和焚烧你们的国家和人民!

8.As you can tell, it is not very easy to fulfill all of these requirements, especially if the session mechanism is developed ad-hoc.正如您所说,要实现所有的请求并不十分容易,尤其是当这个会话机制发展成无线自组织网时。

9.Eager to fulfill an appointment, she raced through the matter at hand.由于急着去赴约,她匆匆忙完手头的事情。

10.If the Heaven should help me to fulfill my wishes, I should be the luckiest fellow in the world to stay together with you for ever.如果天公作美,我将是世界上和你永远厮守在一起的无比的幸运儿。