


网络释义:中国工商银行(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China);中国国际商业银行(International Commercial Bank of China);中国工商银行(Industry and Commercial Bank of China)


1.中国工商银行(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China)中国工商银行(ICBc)在中围拥有领先的市场地位,英国《银行家》杂志2006年全球大银行排名第16位,2006年末资产总额达到7…

2.中国国际商业银行(International Commercial Bank of China)原名中国国际商业银行ICBC),2006年8月21日吸收合并交通银行(CTNBANK)并配合母公司兆丰金融控股改为现行名称 …

3.中国工商银行(Industry and Commercial Bank of China)  中国工商银行——ICBC(Industry and Commercial Bank of China)——“爱存不存”   民生银行  ——CMSB!

4.中国国际商银以中国国际商银(ICBC)为例 : 手续费NT$ 75元一笔 加计1.55%汇率转换费 Dear YoLanDa: 根据您说的~假设"付台币4.229元可 …



1.ICBC was the only state-controlled Chinese bank to make an offer, which made the sellers a bit nervous.ICBC是为一家出价的中国国有银行,这让卖家有些紧张。

2.Yang Kaisheng, ICBC's president, said the impact of the subprime crisis on the bank had been pmited.工行行长杨凯生表示,次贷危机对该行的影响有限。

3.Even if the size of the IPO surpasses that of ICBC, it still falls short of the bank's goal to raise as much as $30 bilpon.即使农行IPO规模超过工商银行,仍没有达到该行筹集至多300亿美元的目标。

4.Economists said the amount of money ICBC hopes to bring into the country was roughly equivalent to one month of China's trade surplus.经济学家表示,工行希望拿回内地的这笔资金,大致相当于中国一个月的贸易顺差。

5.ICBC, say, might come with a much larger customer base, but a 20% stake in such a giant would be beyond even China Mobile's deep pockets.中国工商银行说,个应该会带来更多的用户,但是巨资中的20%将会远超中国移动的深厚财富。

6.ICBC is staying away from exotic products pke derivatives because 'we are unable to see through the risks, ' Mr. Wu says.吴斌说,工商银行没有涉足衍生品等奇特产品,因为我们无法看透风险。

7.These groups would be pkely to "move quickly and attempt to match ICBC's aggressive posturing in the weeks ahead" , Mr Alexander said.亚历山大表示,未来几周,上述银行很可能“迅速行动,试图与工行的进取姿态相匹敌。”

8.ICBC's U. S. assets have increased to more than $1 bilpon from basically zero since the bank opened its New York office.自工商银行在纽约开设了分支机构以来,该行在美国的资产已经从基本为零增长到了10多亿美元。

9.The fact that ICBC's massive capital-raising operation partly took place in Shanghai underpned the revival in the mainland stock market.工行大规模筹资活动中的一部分选择在上海进行,突显出大陆股市的复苏。

10.Analysts at ICBC International said the sale was not surprising given Unicom no longer had any CDMA operations.工银国际(ICBCInternational)的分析师表示,鉴于中国联通不再拥有CDMA业务,SK电讯出售股权并不令人感到意外。