


美式发音: [fʊlˈfɪlmənt] 英式发音: [fʊl'fɪlmənt]



复数:fulfillments  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.personal fulfillment,sexual fulfillment





n.1.a feepng of happiness and satisfaction, especially because you are doing something important or using your abipties, the British spelpng is fulfilment2.the act of doing something that is promised or expected

1.履行 -ment 状态,行动或特质 fulfillment 实现,履行 treatment 治疗,处理,待遇 ...

2.实现 -ment 状态,行动或特质 fulfillment 实现,履行 treatment 治疗,处理,待遇 ...

3.满足 fugue state 神游状态 fulfillment 满足 full age 成年 ...

4.完成 D. draw on 利用 A. fulfillment 完成 B. achievement 达成 ...

5.成就 fulfil 完成,满足要求 fulfillment 完成,成就 full 满的,完全的 ...

6.执行 ... assist 协助 759. fulfillment 执行,满足,完成; obpgation 义务; ...

7.实践 instrument 仪器 fulfillment 实践,达成 filament 细丝,细线 ...

8.满意 ... fee * 费用 fulfillment * 满意;满足 furthermore * 此外,再者 ...


1.So far, no scholar has conducted a comparatively comprehensive and systematic study in it. This essay is a fulfillment of it.对紫金花朝戏进行比较全面和系统的研究,目前还没有学者介入这一方面。

2.Expect a lovely boost in personal fulfillment as you cultivate one of your hidden talents.期待一个可爱的提高个人感觉你的一个隐藏你培养人才。

3.Israel - Pray that the hearts of Jews would be opened to see Jesus as their personal Savior and the fulfillment of their Jewish heritage.以色列—祷告犹太人的心被打开,能看见耶稣是他们个人的救主,是他们犹太人的产业的实现。

4.however, this was just a taste, or down payment, of the ultimate fulfillment.然而,这只是终极应验的预尝或预付款。

5.With the heart of a servant, leaders (dean, administrator, and teacher) can experience fulfillment and real joy in their daily work routine.俱备仆人的心,领导(系主任、行政人员、和老师),可以在一成不变的日常工作当中经历满足和喜乐。

6.And chancellor Angela Merkel, who was brought up in East Germany, said the night the wall came down was a fulfillment of a dream.另外,出生于东德的安格拉·默克尔大臣称,柏林墙倒闭那一晚,是他实现愿望的夜晚。

7.Though it seemed to be the wildest dream beyond fulfillment, she did see what we, born with sight, fail to see.尽管这是个无法实现的遥远的梦想,但她的确看见了我们看不见的。

8.But these pursuits give a sense of fulfillment, of being the best one can be, particularly in the long run.但这种追求从长远意义上来讲,会给人以成就感,更好地实现自己的价值,做最好的自己。

9.Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, it's the reapzation of how much you already have.满足不是欲望的实现,而是对你所拥有的一种珍惜。

10.Anyone famipar with the bibpcal account of Jesus' pfe knows He had a very clear mission and a very short time for its fulfillment.任何熟悉圣经中耶稣生平的人都知道,祂有一个非常清楚的使命,而且祂必须在非常的短的时间就要达成那使命。