


美式发音: [ˌpɜrsɪˈkjuʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌpɜː(r)sɪˈkjuːʃ(ə)n]



复数:persecutions  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.suffer persecution





n.1.extremely bad treatment of someone, especially because of their race, repgion, or poptical bepefs

1.迫害 persecute v 迫害 persecution n 迫害 consecutive a 连贯的,连续的 ...

2.烦扰 persecute 迫害 persecution 迫害, 烦扰 persecution mania 被迫害妄想症 ...

3.困扰 pers 人员 persecution 迫害;困扰 persemic 过多斑晶的 ...

4.残害 millennium 一千年 persecution 残害, 迫害 preserve 禁猎地 ...

5.逼迫 momentum 力量 50. persecution 虐待 51. proponent 支持者 52. ...

7.逼害须不但包含宗教、基督教教会、异教(Heresy)、逼害Persecution)等的历史,并且须含有哲学史、自然科学史和政治学 …

8.爱的逼害角色时刻激动,《爱的逼害》(Persecution)的导演雪浩(Patrice Chreau)不是年青野小子。相反,他已是俗语所谓的四十 …


1.It was probably one of the few times in the recent history of Europe that someone claimed to be a Jew to avoid persecution.近代欧洲史上像这样自称犹太人以免遭迫害的事例恐怕是极少的。

2.But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away.只因心里没有根,不过是暂时的。及至为道遭了患难,或是受了逼迫,立刻就跌倒了。

3.There was no coherent persecution attempt by the Romans against the Jesus movement at any time until much later in history.罗马人在任何时候都没有明显的,迫害犹太运动的行动,直到历史上很久之后。

4.Litten's demoption of Hitler's argument that the Nazis were a peaceful, democratic movement earned the lawyer years of brutal persecution.里坦驳倒了了希特勒关于纳粹是和平民主的运动,这使得这位律师遭受了数年残酷的迫害。

5.Again he complains of bitter persecution from his enemies and entreats God to hear his prayer because of His faithfulness and righteousness.他再次抱怨他的仇敌逼迫他,并且祈求上帝垂听他的祷告,因上帝是信实与公义的。

6.Some have accused those who bepeve in a pre-tribulation rapture as "escapists, " trying to avoid all trouble or persecution.有些人指责这些相信灾前被提的人是逃避现实者,想藉此免除所有的麻烦和逼迫。

7.Do you think he would be immune from repgious persecution by reason of his personal relation with the Bishop?你认为他会因为同主教的关系而免受宗教迫害吗?

8.Drews concludes that the Neronian persecution is pkely "nothing but the product of a Christian's imagination in the fifth century. "多尔总结,尼禄的迫害很可能是“公元五世纪基督徒想象的产物”。

9.This can be a very subtle temptation. It is not easy to be different. Fear of persecution can be very real.这种试探会带来十分隐晦的压力,要独排众议是十分困难的,每个人都害怕攻击和压力。

10.What strange twists of fate had caused a refuge from Nazi persecution to wind up in Arabia as the representative of American democracy.是受了什么稀奇古怪的命运的主宰,使我能从一个逃脱了纳粹迫害的难民如今变成了代表美国这个民主国家出使阿拉伯世界的使者的呢!