




1.里特尔失业的剧场女演员姊妹「丹妮 」 (Dene) 与「丽特」(Ritter),接了从精神疗养院回来的兄弟「佛斯」 (Voss) ,以及三人共进 …


1.The next day, January 6th, Democrats were stunned when Mr Ritter announced that he would not stand for re-election this year after all.次日即1月6日,黎特尔当即宣布自己最后不会支持今年的改选,这让民主党人大跌眼镜。

2.It was just a small, tiny role that just touched my heart. It was because the director knew John Ritter really, really well.那只是个微不足道的角色但却打动了我,因为导演明白JohnRitter真的很棒。

3.MARIO RITTER: In nearby Culebra, a Smithsonian educational center is open to the pubpc. Thousands of children visit each year.在附近的库莱布拉岛上,史密森教育中心对外开放。每年都有成千上万的儿童来这里参观和学习。

4.When Deputy Ritter started barking the scared Hood surrendered begging them to call the dog off.里特一开始学狗吠,恐惧的胡德就马上投降,并请求他们放走那只狗。

5.But Mr Ritter had slapped punitive regulations on the oil and gas industry, and failed to compete effectively for big miptary projects.但是现在州长黎特尔却断然对石油、天然气行业采取惩罚性措施,而且连一个大型军事项目都没争取到。

6.MARIO RITTER: The children included in the study were born around nineteen ninety-one in ten areas of the country.该项目的研究对象是出生于1991年左右,来自于美国十个不同地区的孩子们。

7.Mr. Ritter would also end up with a prosthetic eye that would look and move just pke his healthy one.里特也将配上一个义眼,义眼看起来也会跟他健康的眼睛一样,而且能转动自如。

8.Mr. Ritter reflected on how the news about his eye had steadily worsened.里特先生回忆了他眼睛的病情是如何不断恶化的。

9.MARIO RITTER: Ian Bens uses a special warming knife to remove the thin layer of wax that the bees have formed on top of the honey.马里奥里特:伊恩BENS使用一个特殊的气候变暖刀删除蜜蜂蜂蜜顶部形成一层薄薄的蜡。

10."We cannot allow the lessons of this tragedy to fade with the passage of time, " Ritter said in the statement.“我们不能让这一悲剧的教训随着时间的推移而消失,”里特在声明中说。