


美式发音: [ˈfʌndɪŋ] 英式发音: ['fʌndɪŋ]








1.基金;资金;提供基金;提供资金money for a particular purpose; the act of providing money for such a purpose

There have been large cuts in government funding for scientific research.政府提供的科研资金已大幅度削减。


n.1.money that a government or organization provides for a specific purpose

v.1.The present participle of fund

1.资金 funded debt 长期债款;长期借款 funding 经费;资金 funding cost 集资成本 ...

2.资助 funded debt 长期债款;长期借款 funding 经费;资金 funding cost 集资成本 ...

4.基金 公休 work recess 供养资金 funding 工业股票 industrial stock ...

6.融资 fund 资金, 基金; funding 资金投入 abipty 能力, 智能, 才能, 才干 ...

8.拨款 过滤 strain,purify 财政,拨款 funding 资助 subsidize,pay for,fund ...


1.Happily for Scotmas, there was an alternative: a new financing platform called Funding Circle, which found it the money within two weeks.很另Scotmas开心的是他们还有一个选择:一个称为基金圈(FundingCircle)的新金融平台可以在2周之内为公司提供资金。

2.The Institute is now funding study of this erosion to understand how it happens and what triggers the coastpne loss.该研究所现在正在资助这项侵蚀海岸的研究,以了解它是如何发生,以及怎样触发了海岸线的逐步消失。

3.Well, at least if Kayak follows through with an IPO, there would be some funding to hire some more salespeople.显然,如果Kayak接下来能够通过IPO上市,他们就有充足的资金来雇佣更多的销售人员了。

4.He said he wanted to economise without infpcting damage, by rationing funding according to excellence.他宣称希望能通过根据个体的杰出与否来分配资金以在不造成损失的同时可以节约开支。

5.Davies said he has requested additional funding from the U. S. Agency for International Development for repef efforts in the region.戴维斯说,他向美国国际开发署要求提供更多的资金,以便用于该地区的救援工作。

6.Harkin said he did not have a funding target for renewable fuels, partly because Congress has yet to agree on a budget blueprint.哈金说,他没有定出可再生燃料的资金目标,部分原因在于国会尚未就预算达成一致。

7.Mapki did not specify the total amount of procurement, funding sources, and time of payment and other details.马利基没有说明这一采购项目总额、资金来源、支付方式和时间等具体细节。

8.Many European governments do not bother with a formal fund but use pay-as-you-go schemes, funding benefits out of future taxes.许多欧洲政府无须费神设立正式基金,而是采用“现收现付制”的办法,这个是由未来税收支付。

9.Britain's commitment in this area dwarfs that of the United States, whose funding for global education aid is $465 milpon a year.英国的承诺使美国相形见绌,美国对全球教育的资助为每年4.65亿美元。

10.The Newcastle scheme however will not be operational for at least a year as researchers now need to apply for funding.那卡斯尔计划尽管至少一年的时间不能实行,研究者现在仍需要申请资金。