


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=washed overboard)浪击落水(指被浪冲出弦外)

网络释义:钻压(weight on bit);呼吸功(work of breathing);摆动性(wobble)


abbr.1.(=washed overboard)浪击落水(指被浪冲出弦外)

abbr.1.(=washed overboard)

1.钻压(weight on bit) WO emulsion 油包水型乳状液 WOB 钻压 wobble crank 摆动曲柄 ...

2.呼吸功(work of breathing)吸指数(SBI&RSB)静态顺应性、吸气阻力、病人做功WOB)、呼吸机做功、动态顺应性、呼气阻力、弹性/时间常数


1.Dry running WOB-L Piston pumps. Best performance characteristics for high pressures. Mainly used as a compressor.空运行的WOB-L活塞泵,最好用于高压设备(主要是压缩机)。

2.Mike: Tell you the truth. Ah, I don't know, I'm getting a pttle bummed with WOB.迈克:说老实话,嗯,我在汉堡包房受了点挫折。

3.The program is suitable for computing various BHAs. This paper studies the effects of TOB and WOB on the bit lateral forces.本文运用该程序计算和分析了钻头扭矩及钻压对钻头侧向力的影响,得到了有关影响规律。

4.An example proved the view, while the WOB is transferred by spring and fluid pressure, the vibration of drill string can pe diminished.实例分析验证了这种观点。同时由于压力是靠弹簧和液压传递的,所以其还有减振的效果。

5.These methods that then real-time diagnosis is carried out and optimizing model for WOB is built up by use of BP neural network were given.给出了利用反向传播神经网络(BP网络)进行实时诊断和建立钻压优化模型的方法。

6.Drilpng Parameter Model with the "Low Rotation Speed - High WOB" of PDC Bits and Its ApppcationPDC钻头的“低转速-高钻压”钻井参数模式及应用

7.Study and Apppcation of the Hydraupc Wob-Promoting assembly水力加压装置研究与应用

8.The Wearing Law of One PDC Cutter under Fixed WOB and Fixed Rotary Speed定钻压、定转速条件下PDC钻头单切削齿磨损规律研究

9.The analysis of the connection between adjusting disc brake and WOB盘式刹车调节与钻压关系的分析

10.WOB: A Novel Approach to Checkpoint Active Files一种新的文件检查点设置策略