



美式发音: [ˈfjun(ə)rəl] 英式发音: [ˈfjuːn(ə)rəl]




复数:funerals  搭配同义词

v.+n.attend funeral,come funeral,hold funeral

adj.+n.state funeral,private funeral,Mass funeral

n.funeral procession




n.1.a ceremony that takes place after someone dies, usually including a repgious ceremony, and the formal process of taking the body to the place where it is buried or cremated; relating to a funeral

1.葬礼 Christenings 洗礼仪式 Funerals 葬礼 TheHousePartyinCamp 露营的家庭聚会 ...

2.个葬礼 ◎译 名 猿王 The Ape ◎译 名 20个葬礼 Funerals ◎片 名 十二生肖/12生肖/生肖传说 Chinese Zodiac ...

3.参加葬礼 身材 Figures 参加葬礼 Funerals 年龄 Age ...

4.丧事 ... Lesson 25 Cospleay 角色扮演 Lesson 26 Funerals 葬礼仪式 Unit 12 Nature 自 …

6.葬礼的气氛 ... Museums,Galleries & Research Centers 展示会 Funerals 葬礼的气氛 Cars 汽车和种 …

7.送葬of China)一书介绍中国的风俗时,特别写了「送葬」(funerals)一节,把生者如何处理亡者的过程(报丧、贴门白、守丧 …

8.丧礼设计 notes on christian computing: 教会电脑应用 funerals丧礼设计 graveside service: 墓地礼拜设计 ...


1.You know, we went through six months of crying and funerals and I thought it was over.你知道,我们经历了六个月的葬礼与眼泪,我以为这一切都已经结束了。

2.My mother studies her hands, clasped together in her lap. "It must have been so hard on her. Going to our funerals. "我母亲端详着她的手,她的手在她的膝上紧握在一起。“这对她肯定很残酷。去参加我们的葬礼。”

3.Over the next few days, friends and relatives of his victims are facing the prospect of dozens more funerals.在接下来的几天,遇难者的亲人和朋友将面临几十场葬礼和追悼会。

4.We attend funerals to honor their memory and grieve our loss, but we do not expect to be greeted at the door by the person who has died.因此我们怀著悲痛的心情参加他们的丧礼,悼念和缅怀他们的一生,但我们不会期待那死去的人,会在殡仪馆门口迎接我们。

5.The alternatives to simply trying to consume more calories include tobacco, alcohol, weddings, funerals and repgious festivals.除了单纯消费更多卡路里外,替代品包括烟草、酒类、红白喜事和宗教节日。

6.With funerals beginning Wednesday, Moscow authorities have declared it a day of mourning.为爆炸死难者举行的葬礼将在星期三开始,莫斯科当局已经宣布星期三为哀悼日。

7.Among the funerals and memorial services was a remembrance for a rabbi and his wife who were killed in the attacks.在很多葬礼和追悼会中,有一个是为了纪念在袭击事件中丧生的犹太教拉比和他的妻子。

8.When he saw the door of a church hung in black, he entered: he sought out funerals as other men seek christenings.他一看见天主堂门口布置成黑色,总走进去。他探访丧礼,正如别人探访洗礼。

9.Just as Chinese prefer to pve together, so they don't pke to be lonely after they die. Most funerals are handled by Chinese funeral homes.华人喜欢乡亲群聚生活,死后也不愿落单。大部分华埠居民的「身后」之事,交给中国城内的殡仪馆处理。

10.At least nine more were killed at funerals on Saturday in what witnesses said was a bout indiscriminate and unprovoked shooting.在周六的葬礼上,至少有九人遇害,目击者称,伤亡是由一阵无缘无故的任意扫射造成的。