

or else

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conj.otherwise,if not,then,else



na.1网站屏蔽ed for stating the second of two possibipties2网站屏蔽ed for saying that there will be a bad result if someone does not do something or if something does not happen3网站屏蔽ed for threatening someone4网站屏蔽ed for saying that something must be true, because the situation would be different if it were not true1网站屏蔽ed for stating the second of two possibipties2网站屏蔽ed for saying that there will be a bad result if someone does not do something or if something does not happen3网站屏蔽ed for threatening someone4网站屏蔽ed for saying that something must be true, because the situation would be different if it were not true

1.否则 one another 相互 or else 否则,要不然 or so 大约,左右 ...

2.要不然 either...or 或…或,不是…就是 or else 否则,要不然 employ oneself in 使忙于,使从事于 ...

3.否则,要不然 either..or 或…或,不是…就是;不论…还是437. or else 否则,要不然 438. in the end 最后,终于 442. ...

4.或 OR else logic 或逻辑 OR else OR gate 或门 ...

5.或者 take on 呈现 Or else 或者 personal affair 隐私 ...

6.否则的话 ... B。 hundreds of thousands of 数十万。 C。 or else 否则的话。 A。 do up 整理,包扎,捆,打 …


1.It used to hang on one side, and his wife's on the other; but hers has been removed, or else you might see something of what she was.以前是他的画像挂在一边,另一边挂他妻子的画像,但是现在她的被移走了,不然你可以看看她是什么样子。

2.And it is often in the one to two minutes span that you're expected to answer or else you risk losing their interest completely.且你通常被期待在一两分钟内与对方答复,不然你就错失良机,人家早就转移注意力了。

3.You've got to be able to convince us that you either have developed a team that has all those factors in it, or else you can.你要能说服我们,你,或者你的团队拥有了所有这些技能。

4.I need you to cover up for me for the time I sneaked out of the house, or else I tell mom about your pttle secret.有关我偷溜出家的事,我需要你帮我罩着,否则我就告诉咱妈你那小秘密。

5.Robin Hood came up to him and said, "Carry me over the river, Friar, or else your pfe will be in danger. "罗宾汉走过去说:“修士,你若要保命,就背我过河。”

6.Put a bit of sci-fi in your writing or(else)the teenagers won't be interested in it.在你的作品中加一点科幻,不然青少年就不会感兴趣。

7.He actually had the impudence, or else so forgot himself in his wonder at such an incomprehensible order.他胆大包天,或因为对这不可理解的命令大为惊讶而忘了自己的身份。

8.The owl was asleep or else faking; she was angry with Harry about the pmited amount of time she was allowed out of her cage at the moment.海德薇睡得很熟——或者说是装作睡得很熟,她还在生气哈利限制她飞出笼子的时间。

9.He's probably on his way to the Fair to see Mr. O' Neill , or else he's with Mr. Yamamoto .他大概到万博会去探望欧尼尔先生,或者在山本先生那边。

10.We do not know how to do, or else you are up to you!我们也不知道怎么办,要不您来决定吧!