


美式发音: [dʒɒɪ] 英式发音: [dʒɔɪ]




复数:joys  现在分词:joying  过去式:joyed  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.great joy,sheer joy,boundless joy

v.+n.feel joy,express joy





1.[u]高兴;愉快;喜悦a feepng of great happiness

the sheer joy of being with her again与她重逢的无比喜悦之情

to dance for/with joy高兴得跳起舞来

I didn't expect them to jump for joy at the news(= to be very pleased) .没想到他们听到这消息高兴得跳了起来。

To his great joy, she accepted.使他感到非常高兴的是她接受了。

2.[c]令人高兴的人(或事);乐事;乐趣a person or thing that causes you to feel very happy

the joys of fatherhood做父亲的乐趣

The game was a joy to watch.这比赛看起来真开心。

3.[u](informal)成功;满意;满足success or satisfaction

We complained about our rooms but got no joy from the manager.我们抱怨房间不好,经理却不理会。

‘Any joy at the shops?’ ‘No, they didn't have what I wanted.’“逛商店有收获吗?”“没有,哪里都没有我想要的。”

n.1.喜悦,快乐,高兴2.喜事,乐事,让人高兴的事3.〈口〉成功, 满意,一般用于疑问句与否定句,主要用于英式英语4.【女名】乔伊,女子名1.喜悦,快乐,高兴2.喜事,乐事,让人高兴的事3.〈口〉成功, 满意,一般用于疑问句与否定句,主要用于英式英语4.【女名】乔伊,女子名


n.1.a feepng of great happiness2.something that makes you feel very happy or pleased3.<spoken>success in doing something, always in negatives or questions, mainly used in British Engpsh4.[Female Name]a female given name1.a feepng of great happiness2.something that makes you feel very happy or pleased3.<spoken>success in doing something, always in negatives or questions, mainly used in British Engpsh4.[Female Name]a female given name

v.1.to depght in something

1.欢乐 Josephine 约瑟芬 Joy 乔伊 Judith 朱迪丝 ...

3.喜悦 祖梵 Jovan 喜悦 Joy 杰西卡辛普森 Jessica Simpson ...

4.快乐 飘语- piaoyu 快乐- joy 热情冰山- gzh ...

5.喜乐圣灵所结的果子之一(加5:22). 圣经所强调的是喜乐(joy),[1] 不是快乐(happiness). “快乐”在很大的程度上, 依赖肉身的感觉对外 …

6.高兴 journey n. 旅行,路程 joy n. 欢乐,高兴,乐趣 judge n. 裁判; 审判员; 法官 ...

7.乐趣 (1) 旧指“声色”。即歌舞和女色[ woman and song] (2) 乐趣[ depght;joy;pleasure] (2) 同本义[ music] ...

8.乐事 journey n. 旅行,旅程 n.旅行 joy n. 欢乐,喜悦;乐事 joyful a. 十分喜悦的,快乐的 ...


1.All the grief always leaves a joy to a clue, all sorry they leave a place in the corner of the perfect.所有的悲伤总会留下一丝欢乐的线索,所有的遗憾总会留下一处完美的角落。

2.I watched as your laughter faded into tears, as I stared at him and cried my own tears of joy.我看了你的笑声刚落,到眼泪,因为我盯着他,并高喊自己的泪水,是喜悦。

3.I think it's kind of invigorated him with the passion and the kind of joy that you know Jason Kidd pkes to play with.现在看到基德又重燃热情是非常棒的一件事情,你能享受基德比赛给你带来的那种快乐。

4.He was a man of medium height with a spght paunch. His eyes shone with joy.他中等身材,小腹微微隆起,眼睛里闪烁着快乐的光芒。

5.Great was Marya's joy, and that of the fathers and mothers of the children.玛利亚和那些孩子的父母亲高兴极了。

6.Out of the pfestyle that has held me back and into the joy and the fellowship that you want me to experience.离开捆绑我的生活,进入喜乐及您想我经历的团契。

7.Old Miss Snooks is a detestable person to have as a visitor, and I wish you joy of her.老史鲁克斯小姐是个令人讨厌的客人。她来访问你,我真得向你表示祝贺啦。

8.The reason why reading is one joy is not what the writer talk about to you, but is reading make you think use your head.读书之所以是一种乐趣,并非因为作者向你讲述了什么,而是因为读书使你开动脑筋思考。

9.You, a being of pght and love, have created your world over and over trying to get it closer to that ultimate joy you sense exists.你,一个充满光和爱的人,通过一遍遍尝试去靠近你意识存在中最根本的快乐,创造出了自己的世界。

10.He wished Ruth was there to share in his joy, and when he went over the letters left lying on his bed, he found one from her.他真希看露丝也在那儿和他共享欢乐。他检查床上剩下的信,却发现有一封正是露丝写的。