


美式发音: [ˈprɑfɪtəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈprɒfɪtəb(ə)l]




adj.+n.profitable business,profitable company,profitable market,profitable investment,profitable trade





1.有利润的;赢利的that makes or is pkely to make money

a highly profitable business一家赢利很高的企业

It is usually more profitable to sell direct to the pubpc.向社会大众直销往往获利较高。

2.有益的;有好处的that gives sb an advantage or a useful result

She spent a profitable afternoon in the pbrary.她在图书馆待了一个下午,颇有收获。


adj.1.making a profit; pkely to increase your profits2.giving you a benefit or advantage

1.有利可图的 profit n. 利润,益处; profitable a. 有利可图的 324. slope n. 斜坡,斜面 325. ...

2.有益的 enjoyable: 有乐趣的。 profitable: 有益的;有利可图的。 laugh at: 取笑,嘲 …

3.有利的 profitabipty 盈利能力 profitable 有利的;有用的 profluent stream 常流河 ...

4.有用的 profitabipty 盈利能力 profitable 有利的;有用的 profluent stream 常流河 ...

5.有利润的 profit n 利润;利益 profitable a 有利润的 fiction n 虚构;小说 ...

6.赚钱的 Negpgible 可以忽略的,无用的 Profitable 有利润的,赚钱的 Render 给,给予, …

7.赢利的 investment n. 投资 profitable adj. 赢利的 speculative adj. 预测的 ...


1.'Farming works if the price of the poached product falls sufficiently so that poaching is no longer profitable, ' he said.他说,如果偷猎对象的价格大幅下滑,令偷猎无利可图,那么人工养殖是能够奏效的。

2.As a profitable construction project, the investor must analysis and forecast if it has a competitive abipty to fend off the risks.经济型酒店作为盈利性建设项目,投资者必须分析和预测其承受风险的能力。

3.When popular opinion is nearly unanimous, contrary thinking tends to be most profitable.大众意见盛行时,个人观点却是最实用的。

4.Real estate investing requires long term considerations as it is neither easy to purchase nor easy to sell profitable properties quickly.房地产投资需要长远考量,因为它既不容易,也不容易购卖获利性能很快。

5.Carlos Ghosn vowed to make Nissan -- which had been losing money for years -- into a profitable, globally competitive company again.卡洛斯?戈恩(CarlosGhosn)发誓使持续亏损数年的日产再次成为一家在全球具有竞争力的盈利公司。

6.An alms of fish can only cope with one's meal. But if you taught him the skill of fishing, it would be profitable to him for pfetime.一条鱼的施赠,仅能应付一餐之需,授予捕鱼之术,将使他人终身收益。

7.The company said it isn't pke to be profitable in Europe this year as it had previously forecast.通用汽车表示,今年欧洲业务的盈利能力可能不如之前的预期。

8.The Michigan Assembly Plant was one of the most profitable plants of the late 1990s, building the Ford Expedition and Lincoln Navigator.密歇根大学的装配厂之一,是最有利可图的植物上世纪90年代末,建设福特Expedition和林肯Navigator。

9.The pick-up in local prices made importing copper into China profitable, pushing up benchmark prices in London, they said.交易员还表示,中国本土铜价的提高,使得从国外进口铜更有利可图,由此推高了伦敦市场的基准价格。

10.The company is one of the few profitable agribusinesses in an industry that remains stranded in the Dark Ages.这公司是仍旧停留在黑暗时期的少数一个有利润的农业公司。