


美式发音: [ˈfʌŋɡəs] 英式发音: ['fʌŋɡəs]




复数:funguses  复数:fungi  



1.[c]真菌(如蘑菇和霉)any plant without leaves, flowers or green colouring, usually growing on other plants or on decaying matter. Mushrooms and mildew are both fungi .

2.[u][c]霉;霉菌a covering of mould or a similar fungus , for example on a plant or wall

fungus infections霉菌感染



n.1.a type of plant without leaves, flowers, or green color that grows mainly in wet places or on decaying substancesThere are many different types of fungi, including mushrooms, mildews, yeasts, and molds.

adj.1.Same as fungous

1.真菌 funeral 葬礼 fungus 菌类 funnel 漏斗 ...

4.木耳 荸荠罐头 Water chestnuts 木耳 Fungus 虾米 Dried shrimps ...

5.蘑菇 vegetable: 蔬菜 fungus: 蘑菇 fillet: 里脊 ...

6.真菌,霉菌 fume n. 臭气,烟,激怒; fungus n. 真菌,霉菌 405 futile a. 无效的,无用的 21 406 ...

7.真菌类霉菌 跟酵母菌 都属於真菌类(Fungus).霉菌在自然界中分布甚广,常在含有丰富醣类的食物中,例如:面包、水果及蔬菜等. 霉 …


1.But the moment the fungus directs an ant tobite a leaf is at least partly dependent on environmental conditions, Hughesadded.但真菌指引蚂蚁咬树叶的时刻却在一定程度上至少取决于环境条件,休斯补充道。

2.However, as anyone who has wrestled with a persistent case of athlete's foot knows, it's not easy to root out a fungus once it's taken hold.不过,一直与脚癣做斗争的所有人都知道,一旦被真菌沾上想根除它谈何容易。

3.With this test, we can tell growers how much of the fungus they have in their fields even when there are no signs of disease.用这种方法,我们就可以在没有发病迹象的情况下告诉种植者他们的田地里有多少真菌。

4.When the researchers blocked the gene that makes MgAPT2, they found that the fungus was no longer able to cause disease.当科学家让表达MgAPT2蛋白质的基因沉默之后,他们发现这种真菌不再有能力导致稻瘟病。

5."The DNA from a fungus went into the aphid somehow, " Moran says, "and then stayed there and continued to function. "“不知道究竟任何发生的,反正类胡萝卜素基因从真菌那里跑到蚜虫那里去了,”莫兰说,“然后在那里呆着,并继续发挥作用。”

6.There was no way the tree could last, between the encroaching fungus and its chain belt strangpng its trunk.在病菌侵犯和铁链把树干勒死的双重情形之下,这棵树已经没有办法继续活下去。

7.It is all part of the mechanism used by the fungus to ensure its spores are spread as far and wide as possible.这些行为都是受寄生菌分泌出的物质影响,以确保孢子能够散播得更远更广。

8.A bit of mustard powder added to a footbath helps kill athlete's foot fungus.将一点点芥末粉加到洗脚盆里有助于杀死灭运动员脚部的真菌。

9.A more radical answer, though, may be to use a completely different sort of insecticide: a fungus.一个更激进的办法是,使用一种完全不同的杀虫剂:真菌。

10.One of these, the birch fungus, is known to have antibacterial properties, and was pkely used for medicinal purposes.其中之一,桦木真菌,是已知的抗菌性能,并负责入药可能。