


美式发音: [ˈfjʊriəs] 英式发音: [ˈfjʊəriəs]




adj.+n.furious pace,furious storm,furious argument,furious attack,furious row



adv.on the warpath,looking for trouble,in high dudgeon,up in arms,on the offensive



1.狂怒的;暴怒的very angry

She was absolutely furious at having been deceived.她受了骗,怒不可遏。

He was furious with himself for letting things get so out of control.他对自己很恼火,怪自己竟让事情变得如此不可收拾。

I'm furious that I wasn't told about it.这事没有跟我说,我十分气愤。

2.激烈的;猛烈的;高速的;盛怒的with great energy, speed or anger

a furious debate激烈的辩论

She drove off at a furious pace.她驾车飞驰而去。


adj.1.extremely angry2.done with a lot of energy and determination; very fast

1.狂怒的 take care of 照顾;处理 furious 狂怒的 curious 好奇的 ...

2.狂暴的 hearsay n. 传闻 furious a. 狂怒的, 狂暴的 denunciation n. 谴责, 告发 ...

3.猛烈的 fragrant 芳香的 furious 猛烈的,生气的 fruitful 有成效的 ...

4.暴怒的 147. fragile a. 易碎的;脆弱的 148. furious a. 暴怒的 156. haul a. (用力) 拖;(用车)托运 ...

5.狂怒的,暴怒的 frustrate vt. 使灰心;挫败,阻挠 furious a. 狂怒的,暴怒的;激烈的 furthermore ad. 而且,此外 ...

6.愤怒的 seckill vt. 秒杀 furious adj. 愤怒的 first made one’s approach 首次接洽 ...


1.The Chief Petty Officer was furious at me for making such a dive, at my age, and in not very good condition.海军上士因为我的年纪已大并且在这种不利的条件下去进行这样的潜水而发愁。

2.She must have been furious -- all that effort meant nothing when a leggy model walked past Jagger, and he fancied a bit of "new" .她一定会感到愤怒,因为她的所有努力都不及一个长腿模特在杰科面前走过那么具有吸引力,他有点喜新厌旧。

3.My immediate thought was that his wife would probably be furious that he had brought home a young female hitchhiker, unannounced .我立刻就想到她的妻子可能会很愤怒,因为没有事先说好就载一名年轻的女性回家。

4.We were furious with the hotel and I would not recommend anyone to attempt to stay here if you want to be sure of your bed for the night.我们对酒店的做法感到十分气愤。如果你想要预定一个床铺过一个晚上的话,我绝不会向你推荐任何一个房间而试图让你住在这里。

5.If I got even a tiny drop of paint on her furniture, she would get furious. So I learned to be very careful.如果我在她的家具上沾上一小滴油漆,她就会大发雷霆,所以我学会很小心。

6.11But they were furious and began to discuss with one another what they might do to Jesus.他们就满心大怒,彼此商议怎样处治耶稣。

7.Shugart's father was furious at me, and angrily told me that I wasn't fit to be Commander in Chief.舒格特的父亲对我大发雷霆,愤怒地告诉我,我不配做三军总司令。

8.And yet, after years of frustration and furious development work, Microsoft now bepeves it has reapsed Mr Ballmer's dream.然而,历经数载的连连受挫和令人发怒的研发工作之后,微软如今相信鲍尔默先生的梦想业已实现。

9.A year or two ago, I would have been tremendously upset, possibly furious.一两年前,我大概还会极度沮丧,可能会生气。

10.Paladins will love this: Furious Charge seems to be very similar to the Paladin's Charge skill.圣骑士们或许会喜欢这样:野蛮冲撞看起来跟圣骑士的冲锋技能非常相似。