


美式发音: [ˈfʌsi] 英式发音: ['fʌsi]



比较级:fussier  最高级:fussiest  同义词反义词





1.无谓忧虑(或担心)的;大惊小怪的;挑剔的too concerned or worried about details or standards, especially unimportant ones

fussy parents瞎操心的父母

Our teacher is very fussy about punctuation.我们老师对标点符号十分挑剔。

She's such a fussy eater.她太挑食。

‘Where do you want to go for lunch?’ ‘I'm not fussy(= I don't mind) .’“你想去哪儿吃午餐?”“我无所谓。”

2.紧张不安的doing sth with small, quick, nervous movements

a fussy manner局促不安的举止

the quick, fussy movements of her small hands她的一双小手快速而紧张不安的动作

3.过分琐碎的;装饰太多的having too much detail or decoration

The costume designs are too fussy.这些服装设计过于花哨。


adj.1.only satisfied if things are exactly as you want them to be2.a fussy baby cries easily3.containing too many small parts or details

1.大惊小怪的 unduly ad. 过度地 fussy a. 大惊小怪的,易烦恼的,挑剔的 particle n. 微粒 ...

2.挑剔的 (infml derog 口, 贬 ) fussy;choosy 挑剔的; 难以取悦的. (of sb) (某人的)肖像画: ...

3.爱挑剔的 tricky 狡猾的 fussy 爱挑剔的 giddy 轻浮的 ...

4.过分挑剔的 fusion n. 融合,联合 fussy adj. 过分挑剔的 futile adj. 无意的,徒劳的 ...

5.小题大作的 balcony n. 阳台 fussy adj. 大惊小怪的,小题大作的 Collecting 收藏 ...

6.烦琐的 fuss n. 大惊小怪,吹捧 fussy a. 大惊小怪的,挑剔的,烦琐的 future n. 将来,今后,远景,前途,期 ...


1."Now I'm able to feed him before he's really hungry and put him to bed before he's overtired and fussy, " says Scott.“现在我能在他真的饥饿之前就给他喂饭,在他累过头或者发飙之前让他上床睡觉。”S说。

2.Don't be so fussy about this small thing, this is the most unexpected thing for me to see.别为这点小事大惊小怪的,这可是我最不希望看到的事。

3.Tristan Cooper, of Moody's, a rating agency, had expected Abu Dhabi to be "a bit more fussy" about how the funds were used.来自一家评级机构穆迪公司的特里斯坦•库珀称,阿布扎比在关于资金是如何使用方面“有点大惊小怪”。

4.Do not be fussy about what he did. After all he is only a child.别对他的所作所为太苛刻,他毕竟还是个孩子。

5.In the food, " be very fussy about food" , has been verified, " spce " this thing is Japanese and sago -- sashimi and that sort of stuff.于食,“食不厌精,脍不厌细”,有人考证过,“脍”这种东西就是日本的撒西米——生鱼片之类的玩意儿。

6.Apparently Mrs. Mintar had been fussy about safety as far as the well was concerned, dating back to when the children were small.很明显,敏特夫人一直以来都很重视水井的安全问题,打从孩子们小时候起就这样。

7.But one should not be too fussy about what sort of material one is required to translate.但是,你没必要太过于挑剔需要翻译的材料。

8.Koalas are very fussy eates. They only eat eucalyptus leaves. These leaves are not easy to digest so they have very large intestines.考拉是非常挑剔只吃玉树叶子不容易消化,因此他们有非常大肠。

9.It did not mean playing a harpsichord strung with modern steel, or fussy ornamentation as a piece was played.或是弹奏带有现代钢弦的羽管键琴,或是在演奏曲目时加入讲究的装饰音。

10.Alan Yentob was quite fussy and didn't look me in the eye, just held out his empty glass when he wanted a refill.AlanYentob有点过分紧张,不正眼看我,他想要续杯的时候就举起他的空杯子。