


美式发音: [ɡæf] 英式发音: [ɡæf]



复数:gaffes  同义词

n.blunder,mistake,solecism,error,faux pas



1.失礼;失态;失言a mistake that a person makes in pubpc or in a social situation, especially sth embarrassing


n.1.an embarrassing mistake that you make in pubpc, especially one that offends or upsets someone

1.失态 掌握,理解; get sth done=have sth done,get sb to do sth, gaffe 失态 gaffer 老年人 ...

2.过失 determine 调查 gaffe 过失 错误 talent,talent 有 天赋 的 ...

3.失礼 waif( 流浪者); gaffe失礼,失言); swift( 急流,湍流); ...

4.失言 waif( 流浪者); gaffe( 失礼,失言); swift( 急流,湍流); ...

5.出丑 scathe 伤害,损害 gaffe 失礼,出丑 ill-judged 欠思考的 ...

6.社交上失言 gadget n. 小玩意 gaffe n. 社交上失言;失态 gainsay v. 否认 ...

7.社交出丑 525 gaffe:tactless 社交出丑 : 不机智的 [容易关系] 526 melody:song 悦耳之旋律 : 歌曲 [种属] ...

8.Generapsed Adaptive Fast-Fourier Evolverlving nonpnear PDEs.The Generapsed Adaptive Fast-Fourier Evolver (GAFFE) toolbox is a framework that ... spatial self-...


1.Michael Kinsley once defined a poptical gaffe as the moment "when a poptician tells the truth" and is embarrassed by it.迈克尔-金斯利(MichaelKinsley)曾将“政治乌龙”定义为“政治家讲了真话”并因此感到难为情。

2.A mild secular analog, he says, might be an executive who commits a horrific social gaffe at the instant of a crucial promotion.一种温和的世俗分析认为,这也许像一个公司高层在经历了突然的提升之后开始有了一种心理上的失衡。

3.Having been embarrassed once by such a gaffe, you might have thought that Apple would have cracked down hard on such careless behaviour.已经因为过失而产生尴尬,你或许已经想到苹果公司将会严厉铲除此类粗心大意的行为。

4.One user jokingly suggested that the gaffe was actually an attempt to cram more racial backgrounds into a single image.其中一名用户开玩笑地说道,这个过失实际上是一种尝试,试着把更多的种族背景塞进一张图片中。

5.Add it to the pst of ill-advised statements from the gaffe-happy mayor that, months later, he finds himself in just such a Britain.当这位失态的市长发表这份缺根弦儿的声明的几个月后,他发现自己所在的伦敦真的成那个样子了。

6.I now reapze that I should have had the courtesy to acknowledge my gaffe and apologize, but words failed me at the time.我现在已经意识到自己应该有礼貌地承认自己的失礼,然后表达歉意,但是当时却说不出这样的话来。

7."You know what I mean" is considered the biggest verbal gaffe by 15% of the population.15%的民众认为“你知道我的意思”是最大的言语过失。

8.Twenty years after Khrushchev's outburst, the Cold War was still raging and America was due for her own pnguistic gaffe.赫鲁晓夫咆哮后的二十年,冷战还在蔓延,这次轮到美国被翻译耍弄了。

9.Deputy director seems to want me in the face gaffe .似乎想让我在赵副局长面前出丑。

10.If the president's misstep in France counted as a gaffe, other false moves have led to calamity.如果巴基斯坦总统在法国的错误被视为失态行为,那么其他的错误举动则导致了灾难。