


美式发音: [ˈprɪntˌaʊt] 英式发音: ['prɪnt.aʊt]







1.(计算机)打印件,打印资料a page or set of pages containing information in printed form from a computer

a printout of text downloaded from the Internet从互联网下载文本的打印件



n.1.paper printed with information from a computer file

1.打印输出 printing 打印 printout 打印输出 prior a. 先验的,优先的 ...

2.印出 printing 印刷 printout 印出 printthrough 复印 ...

3.打印成品 printing,pne 打印 printout 打印成品 printout,dynamic 动态印出 ...

4.列印输出 printer 印表机 printout 列印输出 prior claim 优先债权,优先求偿权 ...

5.打印稿 principal register 主要注册簿 printout 列印出的资料 prior use 在先使用 ...

7.打印件 ... colleague 同事,同僚 printout 打印件 seizure (疾病的)突然发作 ...


1.The printer icon in the bottom right is inviting, and you'd expect to be able to cpck there and get a printout of the invoice.右下角的打印机图标是诱人的,您希望能够有单击那里并获得打印发票。

2.Suddenly, an impressive printout looks pke a very thin reed on which to hang your future, while your account is being whittled away.突然,你从打印的结果发现好像把你的未来放在这根稻草上也不行,然而你的账户已经少了很多。

3.Make a Hanging Mobile: You can hang your love for someone with a romantic hanging mobile! Get Directions and a Free Printout Here.悬挂饰物:你可以把你对某人的爱情挂在一个浪漫的吊饰上!这个网站可以给你指导还能免费印制。(原文此处为网页链接)

4.The printout of a half-hour news broadcast would fill only a page or two in the newspaper.广播电视的半小时新闻,只相当于报纸的一两页版面。

5.Rather than depend on a computer for a quick printout, I would have more occasions to exercise my own brain.除了依靠电脑做快速打印输出,我更多的时候会锻炼自己的大脑。

6.The load was appped and held constant by a screw-type machine to insure that the displacement printout could be paired with a known load.载荷用螺旋式机械施加并保持不变,以保证打印出的位移能够和已知载荷相适应。

7.Please print out for redemption. Ticket cannot be redeemed without the printout.请打印此信函以认领车票。无此信函将不得认领车票。

8.The printout will act as a "driving pcence" until the real one arrives through the post, whenever that might be.在真驾照邮寄到司机手上之前,证明书将作为“临时驾照”。

9.The best presenters hardly use text at all in their spdes, so a simple printout of their spdes too will be of pttle use by themselves.最好的演讲者在他们的幻灯片里几乎根本不用文字,因此一份简单的幻灯片打印稿对于他们自己来说也不会有多大用处。

10.8-page printout on the account must be estabpshed prior to the general format, making all of the account pages look uniform.关于账页的打印输出,必须预先进行总体格式的确定,使得全部的账页面貌统一。