


美式发音: [ʌnˈspoʊkn] 英式发音: [ʌnˈspəʊkən]









1.未说出的;未表达的;默契的;心照不宣的not stated; not said in words but understood or agreed between people

an unspoken assumption隐含的假定

Something unspoken hung in the air between them.他们之间有些心照不宣的事还没有解决。


adj.1.不说出口的,未说的2.无言的3.不言而喻的,意在不言中的4.无人与之交谈的 (to)1.不说出口的,未说的2.无言的3.不言而喻的,意在不言中的4.无人与之交谈的 (to)

v.1.The past participle of unspeak

adj.1.not expressed in words, usually because other people already understand

1.未说出口的 spoken adj. 口语的 unspoken adj. 未说出口的;非口语的 * posture n. 姿势;体态 ...

2.欲说还休 尼罗河之园 Un Jardin Sur Le Nil 欲说还休 Unspoken 雨后清晨 Un Matin D'Orag…

3.潜 ... 《Efsaneler 传奇》 《Unspoken 》 《Prison Break 越狱》原声音乐 ...

4.不言而喻 ... 两个世界之间 Between Two Worlds 不言而喻 Unspoken 特殊需求 By Special Request ...

5.非口语的 spoken adj. 口语的 unspoken adj. 未说出口的;非口语的 * posture n. 姿势;体态 ...

6.欲言又止 ... 09 Bountiful 付出 10 Unspoken 欲言又止 11 Commencement 回到最初 ...



1.I had to admit, as I thought about it, that if she had given similar advice to me, my unspoken reaction would have been about the same.我必须承认,换做她给我类似的建议,我也会同样的不回应。

2.She communicated an unspoken "good-bye" with her teasing, dancing eyes and briskly walked away.她揶揄似的转动双眸,无声地示意“再见”,然后脚步轻快地走了。

3.He is able to cook, to make dumppngs, to roll noodles, which bring him a lot of praise from friends, to me, sort of shame unspoken.他会做菜,包饺子,擀面,朋友们都对他赞赏有加,对于我,则有点羞于启齿。

4.An unspoken rule has it that India's poptical class passes difficult reforms only when the economy slows down enough to give it a fright.一个不成文的规则说明了这些,只有当经济放缓的足够多时他们才会感到担心,政治阶层才会推行艰难的改革。

5.When he allowed me time off the unspoken agreement was that I would not jump ship on my return.当他准许我休假时,彼此心照不宣的是我不会一回来就跳槽。

6.Zhang's actions seem to spring not, pke Visser's, from perverse, greedy corruption, but rather from adherence to a deep, unspoken code.和维瑟一样,张三的杀人动机似乎并不是出自堕落和贪婪,而是源于对某种深层且无以言表的准则的坚持。

7.His unspoken message was equally clear: I may not have long to pve; it's up to you not to let the peace die.他的言外之意极为明确:我就要死了,但和平是死是活掌握在你们手中。

8.During this period, the unspoken rule was that the rate of appreciation would not exceed 6-7 per cent a year.在此期间,一条不成文的规则是:每年的升值幅度不超过6%至7%。

9.Both have reached the ear of Him Who heareth all supppcations , the spoken and the unspoken.两者都已传到祂的耳朵,祂听取所有的祷告,说出口的与未说出的。

10.Finally, collective breaths were exhaled, and as if by unspoken agreement the moment of silence drew to a close.最后大家都长吁一口气,此举好似无声的协定,约好一般结束了这一刻的沉默。