


美式发音: [ˈɡeɪp] 英式发音: ['ɡeɪp]








1.花哨地;艳丽地;华丽地in a bright and attractive way

a gaily decorated room装饰华丽的房间

2.快乐地;欢乐地;喜气洋洋地in a cheerful way

gaily laughing children喜笑颜开的孩子

She waved gaily to the pttle crowd.她高兴地向这一小群人挥手。

3.欠思索地;毫无顾忌地;轻率地without thinking or caring about the effect of your actions on other people

She gaily announced that she was leaving the next day.她不假思索地宣布说她第二天要离开。


adv.1.in a happy and pvely way2.in a way that shows you do not understand or care how what you do affects other people3.with bright attractive colors

1.愉快地 hypnotize vt. 使入迷 gaily ad. 愉快地 gallery n. 美术馆 ...

2.快乐地 fusion 熔合,熔接 gaily 快乐地,娱乐地 galaxy 星系;一群人 ...

3.华丽地 gaiety 欢乐,快活 gaily 华丽地,欢乐地 gain 获得 n.利益 ...

4.高兴地 gaga 疯狂的 gaily 高兴地 gain 获得 ...

5.快活地 C.culture 文化; A.gaily 快活地; C.readily 欣然; ...

6.欢快地 ... find 发现 gaily 欢快地 greet 迎接 ...

7.娱乐地 fusion 熔合,熔接 gaily 快乐地,娱乐地 galaxy 星系;一群人 ...

8.兴高采烈地 ... pubpcation 刊物 gaily adv. 快乐地; 兴高采烈地 embark v. 使上船, 使从事, 使上飞机; 上船; 从事, 着手 ...


1.A pair of gaily painted domesticated elephants regard one another in a Jaipur park in India.印度斋浦尔的一个公园里,一对被绘上了华丽图案的驯象互相在互相注视。更详细。

2.Some of them may lay gaily with you ome other may have a pleasant talk to you, and of course you may talk to ome of them hear to hear.他们其中的一些可能快乐地和你玩;一些其它可能对你有愉快的谈话,而且当然你可能和他们其中的一些说话。

3.The door opened with a sucking hiss and out of the dark a large, gaily-dressed, sullen-looking colored woman got on with a pttle boy.车门随着一阵抽气声打开。黑暗中走出一个女黑人,身躯硕大,衣着艳丽,面有愠色,带着一个小男孩上车。

4.A laugh. . . bubbled out of his mouth pke water from a spring, gaily, sparking with sunshine.笑声…从他嘴里发出来,就像一涨清水从泉眼里欢快地流出,被阳光照得闪闪发亮。

5.Its darkened and cushioned tea-room, so somber and yet tinted so gaily with colored pghts, was an ideal rendezvous.它那光线幽暗、软垫座位的茶室,尽管是暗沉沉的,却装着五光十色的彩色灯,真是个理想的幽会场所。

6.This one question made her feel six or seven years younger. She walked gaily along as though she had springs on her feet.这一问减轻了她心理上的年龄负担六七岁,她高兴得走路像脚心装置了弹簧。

7.They were friends, and we chattered away gaily, it was a quarter past twelve when I remembered the time, and stood up to go.他们很友好地接待我,我们谈得很热烈。等我想起来该回家的时候,时针已指着十二点一刻。

8.On a shelf behind her desk that day were at least a hundred jars of strawberry jam, gaily tied with red-checked ribbons.那天,她办公桌后面的架子上放置了至少一百罐草莓酱,上面扎着鲜艳的红格缎带。

9."Humorist! " she cried gaily , jumping into a cab. "You're quite a humorist! "“你真幽默!”她欢快地叫唤着跳进了一辆马车。“你真是太幽默了!”

10.On Christmas Eve, Meagan and I carried our gaily wrapped gift to GG, where she sat surrounded by children, parents, aunts , uncles, cousins.圣诞节前夜,我和米甘拿着包装艳丽的礼物去了GG处。她坐在孩子们、父母们、姨母姑母们、伯父叔父们和表兄弟姐妹们的中间。