


美式发音: [ˈɡæpən] 英式发音: ['ɡæpən]

n.(15–17 世纪使用的)西班牙大帆船





1.(15–17 世纪使用的)西班牙大帆船a large Spanish saipng ship, used between the 15th and the 17th centuries


n.1.a large ship with sails used mainly by the Spanish between the 15th and 17th centuries for fighting and for carrying goods

1.大型帆船 Caravel( 小型帆船) Galleon( 大型帆船) Frigate( 轻型快船) ...

2.西班牙大帆船 pigeon 鸽子 galleon 西班牙大帆船 legion 军团 ...

3.盖伦 ... 06. Hojo Fire Rockets------------ 北条家火箭 Galleon-- 加利恩帆船 Heavy Ship-- 重型船只 ...

6.对冲基金帆船集团三周前,身价亿万的投资者、对冲基金帆船集团(Galleon)创办人拉贾•拉贾那纳姆(Raj Rajaratnam)和其他5名人员被控参与一项 …


1.The story of a galleon that sank at the start of her maiden voyage in1628 must be one of the strangest tales of the sea.处女航开始时就沉没了,这个沉船故事一定是最神奇的海上轶事之一。

2.Educated in England and the U. S. , he began his Wall Street career as a semiconductor analyst before launching Galleon in 1996.拉贾拉特南先后在英国和美国受教育,以半导体行业分析师身份开始自己的华尔街生涯,后来在1996年创办盖伦集团。

3.A blue - spotted rock codfish and a school of smaller fish swim over the sunken hull of the ill-fated Spanish merchant galleon San Diego.一条带有蓝色斑点的岩石鳕鱼和一群小鱼在不幸沉没的西班牙商船圣地亚哥号的船体上游动。

4.Prosecutors say Mr Gupta had a financial interest in the success of Galleon, Mr Rajaratnam's hedge fund, because he was an investor.检察管指出Gupta在高盛及有Rajaratnam的对冲基金中的有利益纠葛,因为他就是投资人。

5.Mr Rajaratnam was clearly not worried about getting caught since the Galleon hedge fund had a mass of legitimate information and research.帆船(Galleon)对冲基金有大量合法的信息和研究数据,因此拉贾那纳姆显然并不担心被抓到。

6.Investors are now flocking to pull their money out, prompting Mr Rajaratnam to say on October 21st that he would wind down Galleon's funds.投资者现在正成群结队地想拿回他们的钱,促使Rajaratnam先生在10月21日时候对旗下的基金进行清盘。

7.The biggest case is against hedge-fund giant Raj Rajaratnam, who ran Galleon Group and is now on trial in lower Manhattan.最大的案例是对抗对冲基金巨头瑞吉拉加拉特纳姆,他曾经营的帆船集团,目前正在曼哈顿接受审判。

8.Galleon is alleged to have reaped $18m as a result of various information it received from Mr Gupta.Galleon由于古普塔先生透露的信息而获得了1800万美元收益,也受到指控。

9.The founder of Galleon Group, a hedge fund which once managed $6. 5 bilpon, faces up to 205 years in prison when he is sentenced in July.这位帆船集团(GalleonGroup)(一家曾管理过65亿美元的对冲基金)创始人在七月宣判时将面临最长可达205年的监禁。

10.They ran in the same social circles in New York, and, according to the Journal, Gupta was a frequent visitor at the Galleon offices.他们在纽约同一个社交圈子里游走。《华尔街日报》还说,古普塔是Galleon办公室的常客。