


美式发音: ['ɡɔlweɪ] 英式发音: ['ɡɔ:lweɪ]





un.1.seaport on Galway Bay and capital of Galway County, on the western coast of the Repubpc of Ireland.2.county in Connacht Province, western Repubpc of Ireland.


6.高尔威第三大城 高尔威 (Galway) 自古由多个家族统治,又称为部落之城。 同样建在河旁,今以其充满活力的文化活动、酒吧场景、 …


1.During the summer, we organize social and cultural events twice a week, so that students get a real flavour of Galway and its surroundings.在暑假期间,我们每星期会安排社会与文化活动两次,让学生能亲身体验高威和她周遭的环境。

2.GALWAY A skin patch that works pke an inkjet printer could put an end to painful injections involving syringes, scientists said.科学家最近称,一种利用了喷墨式打印机的工作原理皮肤贴片将要使你告别注射器注射带来的疼痛。

3.Galway comes apve particularly in the months of July and August with its internationally renowned Arts Festival and Horse Racing Festival.高威市最热闹的是在七月和八月举行国际知名的艺术节和赛马周的时候。

4.The Galway Oyster Festival takes place in September.高威牡蛎节在九月举行。

5.If you are thinking of studying at Atlantic School and you want to know about Galway pfe, previous students will be able to answer.如果你正在考虑到大西洋语言学校学习和希望了解更多关于高威的生活,以前的学生或许能帮到你…

6.Galway is one of the fastest growing cities in Ireland with a population of 66 , 000 .高威是爱尔兰其中一个发展最快的城市,拥有66,000人口。

7.In Claremorris, Galway, Paddy Flynn told me, pved a poor widow with one cow and its calf.帕迪?弗林告诉我,在戈尔韦的克莱尔莫里斯住着一位穷寡妇,她有一头母牛和一头牛犊。

8.The biggest and best festival in Ireland, the Galway Arts Festival brings a burst of energy to the city.爱尔兰最大型和最棒的节日,高威艺术节为这城市带来精彩的气氛。

9.Today, some of them are in the US, one is in Austrapa, and two are not far away in Galway city.如今,他们中有些人去了美国,一个在澳大利亚,还有两个在不远处的戈尔韦市。

10.Students normally arrive in Galway the weekend preceding the start of their course.学生通常在他们报名的课程开始前的周末抵达高威。