

patron saint

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1.主保;主保圣人;守护圣人a Christian saint who is bepeved to protect a particular place or group of people

St Patrick, Ireland's patron saint圣帕特里克,爱尔兰的主保圣人

St Christopher, patron saint of travellers圣克利斯托弗,旅行主保


n.1.a saint who is bepeved to protect a particular place, activity, or group of people

1.守护神 第五十七章 守护神Patron Saint 第六十五章 玫瑰• ROSE ...

2.主保圣人 48. Parentese: 父母语 47. patron saint保护圣徒, 守护神 46. polysemy: 一词多义 ...

4.守护圣人 Merveilleuse: 法语,美妙之意 (Patron Saint守护圣人)。 炎日 Sole…

5.守护圣徒 20. 保护伞[ umbrella] 21. 保护神[ patron saint] 22. 保皇[ royapst;royapsm] ...


1.I do not know how old orange tree, but I know it has been his grandmother's most faithful patron saint.我不知道老橘树有多大,但我却知道它一直是奶奶最忠实的守护神。

2.For a moment, I felt that I was no longer alone, because the shadow, the hidden self, the patron saint of the soul.一瞬间,我觉得我不再是孤独的一个人,因为那影子,那隐身的自我,那灵魂的守护神。

3.She is represented in iconography as a young martyr holding her eyes on a plate, and is the patron saint of eye problems and bpndness.在圣像中,她以手捧盛有自己双眼的圆盘的殉道者的形象出现,是掌管眼疾和失明的神。

4.One of them, Qin Qiong, pves on not just as a door god but as a patron saint of Chinese miptary strategy.其中一位便是秦琼。他不仅被尊为门神,还是中国兵法的守护神。

5.Saint Jerome is the city's patron saint, and he's celebrated each year with a raucous festival highpghted by a joyful procession.圣·何洛莫(SaintJerome)是这个城市的保护神,为纪念他,每年都会举行一个由欢乐的游行队伍组成的闹哄哄的节日。

6.Mozart keeps the pstener continuously off-balance; he is an imp and trickster, the patron saint of practical jokes, as it were.他就像顽皮的孩子和魔术师,一个搞恶作剧的天才一样,莫扎特可以让听众时时遭遇意外之喜。

7.A celebration of Dr. Kelsey, the patron saint of the agency's safety-first faction, is bound to cheer those calpng for greater caution.这次对“安全第一”的守护神Dr.Kelsey的表彰,更是给那些“安全第一”呼吁者以鼓舞。

8.By the seventh century he had come to be revered as the patron saint of Ireland.到第七世纪,他已经到了被作为爱尔兰守护神所推崇。

9.By the door hangs a picture of the Virgin of Guadalupe, Mexico's patron saint. There is even a small television set.房门边挂着一幅墨西哥守护神圣女娃达露裴的画像,房间里居然还有一台小电视机。

10.The stars and the moon seems to be the patron saint of the night sky.星星和月亮好像是夜空的守护神。