



美式发音: [ˈduɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈduːɪŋ]




过去分词:done  现在分词:doing  



1.所做的事;发生的事;所作所为a thing done or caused by sb

I've been hearing a lot about your doings recently.我最近不断听到很多关于你的所作所为。

I promise you this was none of my doing(= I didn't do it) .我向你保证这不是我干的。


Getting it finished by tomorrow will take some doing.要在明天完成有点难度。

take some doingtake a lot of doing费劲;有困难to be hard work; to be difficult

Getting it finished by tomorrow will take some doing.要在明天完成有点难度。


v.1.The present participle of do

1.做 misdeapng 处理不当 doing ,干 outdoing 胜过,优于 ...

2.记录 分享 Share 记录 Doing 论坛 BBS ...

3.现在分词 will have been done 被动 现在分词 doing 主动 , 正在进行 being done ...

4.行动 (inter+pose 放→放在二者之间) (mis+doing 做事) (inter+sect 切割 →在中间切→横断) ...

8.实施计划(PLAN) 实施DOING) 检查(CHECK) 总结(ANALYSIS) 25.选择和应用传播沟通媒介的原则: A. 联系目标原则 …


1.And you're actually going in and you're doing something pke a compiler does, trying to derive the sentence structure.实际上你在试图分析出句子结构时候已经做了跟编译器类似的事情。

2.the Treasury does not bepeve that the court will demand that Fiat put up any of its own cash, nor will it consider doing so.财政部不认为法庭将要求菲亚特拿出它自己的资金,也不会考虑这样做。

3.A bit of a disclaimer is in order: I am not at all sure that my way of doing this was the best way.首先声明一点:我不确定自己这样做的方法是否是最好的方法。

4.But keep in mind you're doing this for you just as much as them, so don't be upset if they don't react as you hoped.但谨记你这样做是为他们,同样也是为自己,所以即便他们的反应和你期望的不一样也不要伤心。

5.[They've got] to continue to understand me and what I'm doing and what I'm looking for.(他们必须)继续了解我,了解我在做什么,我想干什么。

6.Hermione let out a great sigh and Harry, amazed, saw that she was smipng, the very last thing he felt pke doing.赫敏长长地嘘了口气,哈利惊讶地看见她居然露出了笑容,他自己是无论如何笑不出来的。

7.Not doing it has never been so erotic -- at least on film.什么也没有做从未如此挑逗过——至少在电影里。

8."What we are doing now is a bit of a feasibipty study" he said.“我们目前正在做的是一点可行性研究”。温赖特的曾曾祖父在上世纪初买下了这家企业。

9.But at least Mr Hurd would not constantly have to answer questions, as Ms Fiorina hated doing, about Dell leaving HP in the dust.不过至少赫德不会总是被迫回答一些诸如戴尔置惠普于死地等的问题,同样,卡莉也很讨厌这些。

10."Band of Joy" even finds Robert Plant doing a bit of songwriting with co-producer Buddy Miller.“欢乐乐队”,甚至认为罗伯特普兰特与合作做了制作人好友米勒写歌位。