


美式发音: [ˈɡæmbɪə] 英式发音: [ˈgæmbi:ə]





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of The Gambia, located in West Africa

1.冈比亚 Gabon( 加蓬) Gambia( 冈比亚) Germany( 德国) ...

2.甘比亚 Equatorial Guinea 赤道几内亚 Gambia 甘比亚 Guinea 几内亚 ...

3.班珠尔 Gabon 利伯维尔 Gambia 班珠尔 Ghana 阿克拉 ...

4.冈比亚独立日 ... 16日 美国华盛顿诞辰-----( USA) 18日 冈比亚独立日-----( GAMBIA) 23日 文莱国庆日-----( BRUNEI DARUSSAL…

5.甘比亚共和国 Gabon 加彭 Gambia 甘比亚共和国 Georgia 乔治亚共和国 ...

6.干比亚 保加利亚 Bulgaria 干比亚 Gambia 南非 South Africa High Commision ...

7.冈比亚共和国 货币辐币:分 Centavos 全称:冈比亚共和国 Gambia 货币:冈比亚达拉西 Gambia Dalasi ...


1.She has an interested buyer, but transferring property in The Gambia requires ministerial consent and can take up to a year.她找到了一位有意向的买主,但要在冈比亚转让财产,必须要获得政府部委审批,而且耗时可能长达一年。

2.His newspaper provided him with some money in order that he might travel to Gambia for his research.他的报社给他提供了一些资金,以便他可以去冈比亚进行研究。

3.Sir Dawda Jawara, the former President of the Gambia, said this was something that someone of his age and his stature could now do.冈比亚前总统贾瓦拉先生说道,这点是他这个年龄,这个身份的人应该做到的。

4.It turned out this gentleman was from Gambia, West Africa and was now visiting his children, having retired from a senior role in the UN.聊天中得知这位来自己西非冈比亚的绅士正在去探望他孩子们的路上,他自己刚从从联合国的高级职位上退休下来。

5.In Gambia, the president himself has treated patients with a herbal mixture he claims is an AIDS cure.在冈比亚,总统本人也使用混合草药对病人进行治疗,并声称这是一种治疗AIDS的有效方法。

6.Katim explained that this kind of behaviour is de rigueur in Gambia. Women work twice as hard to compensate for their other halves.卡蒂姆解释说,这种行为在冈比亚司空见惯,女人们加倍努力地工作来补偿她们的另一半。

7.The WHO offered to help The Gambia assess the safety, efficacy and quapty of the proposed treatment.世界卫生组织提出要帮助冈比亚评估总统的疗法的安全性、有效性和质量。

8.Banjul: The capital and largest city of Gambia, on an island at the mouth of the Gambia River on the atlantic Ocean.班珠尔,巴瑟斯特:冈比亚首都和最大城市,位于冈比亚河与大西洋交汇处的一座岛上。

9.Less costly rice came into the ports of Gambia and Ivory Coast.成本更低的大米涌入冈比亚和象牙海岸的港口。

10.The Gambia is one of the 12 countries in the world where government approval is required for such economic transactions.世界上共有12个国家在开展此类经济交易时需要获得政府批准,冈比亚就是其中之一。