




1.甘道夫 盖拉德丽尔 Galadriel 刚多尔夫 Gandalf 弗拉多 Frodo ...

3.巫师甘道夫当索伦(Sauron)发动侵略中土世界的最后一步,巫师甘道夫Gandalf )与洛汗(Rohan)国王希优顿(Théoden)集合他 …

4.灰袍巫师甘道夫麦克连在哈比人三部曲中饰演灰袍巫师甘道夫(Gandalf),而第一战的续集与第三部哈比人-哈比人:奇境再返(The Hobbit: Ther…

5.甘达尔夫就在比尔博要离去的夜晚,比尔博的好友,术士甘达尔夫Gandalf)出现,并且透露出这枚神奇的指戒另有其它的秘密,他要 …

6.袍甘道夫10月3日,灰袍甘道夫Gandalf)进入风云顶(Weathertop),晚间戒灵向他发动攻击,甘道夫败走,引开四位戒灵,克哈穆 …


1.The map Gandalf picks up in Bilbo's study is a reproduction of the map Tolkien drew for the book "The Hobbit" .甘道夫从比尔博的书桌上拿起来的那张地图是托尔金为《哈比人》这本书画的地图的仿制品。

2.said Gandalf. "Now you mean that you want to get rid of me, and that it won't be good till I move off. "甘道夫说:“这次你的意思,是想叫我赶快滚蛋,如果我不走,早上就不会好,对吧?”

3.Gandalf: Gandalf? Yes, that was what they used to call me. (Aragorn nods ) Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.甘道夫?是的,那是以前你们称呼我的。灰袍巫师甘道夫。那是我以前的名字。

4.My wife thought He looked pke Gandalf from Lord of the Rings but it is definitely more pke the Turin Shroud.我太太觉得他看起来像是指环王里的甘道夫,但是这明显更像是耶稣。

5.Everyone stops arguing . Gandalf closes is eyes as he hears Frodo 's statement . Everyone slowly turns toward Frodo , surprised.每个人停止吵架。刚多尔夫闭上眼睛,当他听到弗拉多的声明时。所有人慢慢转向弗拉多,惊讶着。

6.The Gandalf type is your heaviest hitter, but you try to leave them in the rear and call them up only in times of desperation.甘道夫类型的程序员是你的究极兵器,但是你会总是但愿能把他们排到后面,只在快要失望的时候才向他们追求辅助。

7.In the scene when Denethor burns Faramir on the pyre, the pyre could not truly be on fire because Gandalf's horse would not go near it.迪耐瑟想点燃柴堆火葬儿子法拉默,但实际上那些木柴并没有着火,如果真着火的话甘道夫的马就不会靠近它了。

8.gandalf : the gray rain curtain of this world rolls back . . . and than you see it.甘道夫:灰色的雨滴会把遮盖世界的帘幕揭起。。。。然后,你就可以看见。

9.Luckily for the team, this person is just as adept at working magic as Gandalf.对于团队来讲荣幸的是,这人对自己工作的熟练水平就像甘道夫同样。

10.Gandalf, laughing, returns from his cart with more fireworks.甘道夫,笑着,从他的马车上拿回更多烟花。