


美式发音: [ˈpleɪˌɡraʊnd] 英式发音: ['pleɪ.ɡraʊnd]



复数:playgrounds  同义词反义词


n.park,play area,adventure playground,school yard,recreation area



1.(尤指公园中的)游戏场,游乐场;(学校)操场an outdoor area where children can play, especially at a school or in a park

2.(某些集体聚会游乐的)园地,天地,活动场所a place where a particular type of people go to enjoy themselves

The resort is a playground of the rich and famous.这个度假胜地是富翁名流的娱乐场所。


n.1.an area of land where children can play, especially at a school or in a park2.a place where a particular group of people go to do things that they enjoy

1.操场 study 书房 playground 操场 canteen 食堂 ...

2.运动场 soon 很快,马上,不久 playground 操场,运动场 dance 跳舞 ...

3.游乐场 泳池设备 Pool Equipment 游乐场 Playground 运动场尺寸 Stadium Dimensions ...

4.游戏场 托儿所的游戏时间〖 recreation;game〗 游戏场playground〗 游隙〖 play〗 ...

5.游乐园 “sweater 毛衣真保暖, “playground 操场运动场, “get up 起床早上好, ...

8.儿童乐园 游乐园— —Amusement park 儿童乐园— —Playground 体操课结束了— —My gymnastic class is ov…


1.Just pke the heat of our hearts, the sun worked so hard and warmed the playground up for the annual Campus Charity Fair in the afternoon.就像大家心中的热度一样,下午的太阳为暖场一年一度举行爱心义卖的操场,格外卖力地照耀着。

2.If you found a change purse on the playground with quite a bit of money in it and no one saw you pick it up, what would you do?要是你发现在运动场上有个装着不少钱的钱包而且周围也没有人看着你的话,你会拿走吗?

3.The fundozzle facipties for the children and the carton fresco fill the playground with the child flavor.儿童天地的翻斗乐设施及卡通壁画,令整个游乐场充满童趣。

4.I used to watch her from my kitchen window, she seemed so small as she muscled her way through the crowd of boys on the playground.我曾经常常从厨房窗口观察她,她用力挤过操场上的一群男生时显得那么瘦小。

5.Finding one of her students making faces at others on the playground, Ms Smith stopped to gently reprimand the child.史密斯小姐发现她的一名学生在操场上向别人做鬼脸,便去轻责他。

6.We rushed to the playground and began waipng since we were not supposed to cry at the presence of the children.我们不好在他们面前掉泪,转身冲到操场上,嚎啕大哭!

7.This Tuesday, during the morning exercise time, the children carried out a "water war" activities on the playground.这个星期二,早操的时间,在操场上,雅居乐幼稚园的小朋友们开展了一次“水枪大战”活动。

8.New cpents can be found on the playground just as well as on the golf course: "Kids are such a great ice-breaker , " says Cynthia Calvert.就像在高尔夫球场能找到新客户,游乐园也一样可以。“小孩子最能帮助打破僵局了,”辛丽娅•卡尔弗特说道。

9.A handful of city folks will turn an empty lot into a playground for the children of their neighborhood.几个城里人要为周围的儿童把一块空地开辟为游乐

10.If you've seen someone hanging around your playground at school or in your neighborhood, this does not mean that you know him or her.如果你看见有人在学校操场或在你住宅区附近闲晃,这并不意味着你认识他或她。