


美式发音: [ˈɡeɪpɪŋ] 英式发音: ['ɡeɪpɪŋ]




adj.wide,wide open,huge,cavernous,yawning



adj.1.a gaping hole or space is very large

v.1.The present participle of gape

1.目瞪口呆 木呆呆[ stonily] 目瞪口呆[ gaping;stupefied;dumbstruck;be filled with shocked wonder] 目睁口呆[ stunned speechless] ...

2.张口状 ... gap 裂 gaping 张口状 gaping reaction 张口反应 ...

3.裂开的 ... centerpiece n. 主要装饰品或陈列物 gaping adj. 裂开的 Middle Ages n. pl. 中世纪 ...

4.大口 ... 创口 a wound;a cut 大口 gaping;open mouth 垛口 embrasure;crenel ...

5.缝隙 hairy 起毛 gaping 缝隙 sole adhesion 大底欠胶 ...

6.敞开很大的 ... devastation 毁灭,破坏 gaping 敞开很大的 ecological 生态的 ...

7.洞开 flicker 忽隐忽现 gaping 洞开 bolted 上了闩的 ...

8.扩肛同时表演了她著名的扩肛(gaping)最后Jules是一滴不漏的将一大泡精液射到Aurora的口里而她就cum swap给Jenna让她吞下去J…


1.I assumed that the popularity of cosmetic surgery in a developing nation was one more example of Brazil's gaping inequalities.我假设,在发展中国家里美容整形的普遍流行是巴西令人瞠目的不平等的有一个例子。

2.He painted himself shouting, gaping stupidly, from the back, half-seen in a mirror, as if he was determined to take himself by surprise.阿利卡也画自画像:正在吼叫、痴呆地喘气、背影、在镜子里半遮半掩,好像他决心出其不意地捕捉自己。

3.When it notified Bank of America of such gaping write-downs, the bank became fearful it would not have the capital to cover them.当他们通知美国银行这种巨额亏损时,美国银行开始担心他们的资金无法填补这个巨大的漏洞。

4.Money, no matter how much you make, will not fill the gaping hole in your heart.钱,不管挣多少,都不会填充你内心的空洞。

5.I think filling the gaping holes in our knowledge with made-up (and often wrong) information is some sort of a natural survival instinct.我认为用我们自己制造的(经常是错误的)的一些信息来弥补我们知识当中的漏洞是一种自然的求生本能。

6.Where a fort had once overlooked the river now stood a broken gate, gaping open like an old man's toothless mouth.在曾经是个可以俯瞰河流的城堡的旧址上只有一座破烂的大门,想无齿的老翁一样张开嘴。

7.What was an acceptable premium when the deal was hatched turned into a gaping discount as Chinese stocks surged.由于中国股市飙升,此笔交易酝酿时令人满意的溢价变成了明显的折让。

8.I realised that his affirmation of me from his deathbed had filled a gaping hole of insecurity I had constantly carried around.而我也意识到父亲在临终病床上给我的肯定让常年困扰着我的不安全感烟消云散。

9.Meanwhile, negotiations over a "grand bargain" to eliminate America's gaping deficits seem to hinge on sweeping tax reform.同时,商讨消除美国日益增加的赤字的“大方案”似乎集中于全面的税制改革。

10.Human activity, not nature, was the likely cause of the gaping sinkhole that opened up in the streets of Guatemala City, a geologist says.地质专家表示,危地马拉城街道上出现的天坑可能不是自然因素造成的,而是人为活动的结果。